4.8 Code Practice: Question 2


Answer 1


for y in range(88, 43, -4):

   print(y, end=" ")



Related Questions

What are the pros and cons for E-trade?



Pros                                            Cons

• Free stock and ETF trading • Higher fees for non-free mutual funds

• Some mutual funds and bonds are free

• Low non-trading fees


Pros-Quick, easy purchases, ability to know what's available, access to limitless products.

Cons-Potential to get hacked, get scammed by false advertising, amount of time to receive product


Its not a great list but I really hope this helps

What will you see on the next line?
>>> int(13.6)





If we input [tex]\texttt{int(13.6)}[/tex] into bash (say python3), we will return with 13.


The [tex]\texttt{int()}[/tex] function of python basically stands for integer. It will convert whatever is inside the parentheses to an integer. This works with strings as well, and can be useful for turning strings into numbers readable by a program.

An integer is any real whole number (like -2048, 0, or 6, etc.) However, Python does not round the number based on whether it's closest to one value or not. Python always rounds down, basically what it does is takes away the decimal from the number.

If you would like to round to up, however, you might have a program that does this.

[tex]\texttt{import math}[/tex]


Hope this helped!


I hope this helped :)

A typical day in programming and software development would involve



software development would involve


My friend's newborn sister is so precious.
a. ri
c. fr
b. en
d. ie


She’s not precious ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Sean works for a company that ships hospital equipment. He needs to calculate the weight of the items being shipped. He enters the number of items in cell A1. The weight of each item is 180 pounds, so Sean enters 180 in cell A2. The weight of the packaging for each item also needs to be included. This weighs 10 pounds for each item, so he enters 10 in cell A3. Which formula should Eric use to calculate the total weight?



= A1 * (A2 + A3)


In order to calculate the total weight of the equipment, he would need to first add the total weight of each item. This is done by adding the weight of the item by the weight of the packaging. Once you have this amount you can multiply this value by the total number of items being shipped and that should give you the total weight of the shipment. Using the cells, this can be calculated with the following formula in Excel...

= A1 * (A2 + A3)

In which area of the screen can features and functions of Word be accessed?

Scroll bar

Please Hurry!!!





j don't know if you meant that instead of scroll bar, but tool bar is the answer


scroll bar




In this project, you will plan and write a program to solve a math algorithm. You will identify possible errors and handle them in your program. Choosing Your Math Algorithm Think of a math question that takes several steps to solve. It should not be a math question already programmed in the unit. The question should require input from the user, process the information, and display the results. You can choose your own algorithm. It does not need to be one of these. Find the surface area of a cylinder. Find the surface area of a pyramid. Find the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Your Task Write a pseudocode plan for your program. Write the code for your program. Test your program. Run it at least three times with different inputs. Save your program as a .txt file for you cannot upload a .py file. Evaluate your project using this rubric. What to Submit Submit the .txt file holding your program.



Surface of a Cylinder Code:

#import math package to use math.pi for the value of PI

import math

#take radius of the base of a cylinder from user

r=float(input("Enter r of a cylinder"))

#take height of the curve surface of a cylinder from user

h=float(input("Enter the Height of a cylinder"))

#calculate the surface area of cylinder


#calculate the volume of cylinder


print("surface area of a cylinder wll be %.2f" %s_area)

print("volume of a cylinder will be %.2f" %volume)

Quadratic Equation Code:

import math

a = int(input("Enter the coefficients of a: "))

b = int(input("Enter the coefficients of b: "))

c = int(input("Enter the coefficients of c: "))

d = b**2-4*a*c # discriminant

if d < 0:

print ("This equation has no real solution")

elif d == 0:

x = (-b+math.sqrt(b**2-4*a*c))/2*a

print ("This equation has one solutions: "), x


x1 = (-b+math.sqrt((b**2)-(4*(a*c))))/(2*a)

x2 = (-b-math.sqrt((b**2)-(4*(a*c))))/(2*a)

print ("This equation has two solutions: ", x1, " or", x2)

what is the importance of planning before you start your vegetable farm business?


Answer with Explanation:

"Planning" plays a crucial role before starting any business. If you've decided to start a vegetable farm business, then you better plan ahead.

Vegetables are "perishable," which means it is easy for them to get spoiled. Thus, you have to consider many things such as: what kind of crops to sell, where to sell them, what season you're going to sell them and how much you are going to sell them.

Choosing the kind of crop depends on whether you'll be requiring intensive labor or not. Although the former means more profit, it will require more capital. Knowing your target market is essential. For example, if your target are health-conscious people, then you have to go for organic vegetables. Determining the season to sell the vegetables will allow you to price them accordingly. Lastly, you have to know how much you're going to sell your vegetables in order for you to have an idea of the profit you're going to make. This will also allow you to budget your money.

What is application software used for?



Explanation: Application software is a type of computer program that performs a specific personal, educational, and business function. Each program is designed to assist the user with a particular process, which may be related to productivity, creativity, and/or communication.


to make certain tasks easier for the computer user

Explanation: a p e x

write some positive and negative impacts of computer in our daily life​


Positive impacts are
1. Communicating with people
2. Daily update of what going on in the world
3. learn new things
Negative impacts are
1. Viruses
2. Private information shared
3. Less face to face conversations

3. Shirky describes that the Internet gives us a many-to-many pattern when it comes to networks. How might this be beneficial or detrimental to journalists needing to decide between personal and observational sources?



Find the explanation below.


Many-to-many pattern provided by the internet refers to the ability of the internet to spread information among a wide audience who can access the message at the same time. This feature of the internet would prove beneficial to the journalist in making his choice because;

1. He would then have to resort to the observational sources which also has some advantages which include the following;

a. It is less time-consuming as he can obtain the opinions of people on different subjects in a short space of time.

b. It is easier. The logistics involved in going to obtain information from personal sources can b by-passed.

c. The chances of getting more accurate information is higher as most people are more expressive on the internet.

The detriments of the many-to-many pattern of the internet for this journalist would mean;

1. By-cutting the personal sources of information that are more reliable and authentic.

2. Depending on anonymous sources that cannot be easily referenced.

Which view would you need to use to make changes to the design theme for the entire presentation?


Apply a theme to your presentation

Open your presentation.

On the Design tab, you'll find design themes in the Themes group.

To preview how the current slide would look with a particular theme applied, rest your pointer over the thumbnail image of that theme.

To view more themes, on the Design tab, in the Themes group, click More More button at the right end of the gallery.

To select and apply a theme, click the thumbnail image of that theme.

Unless you specify otherwise, PowerPoint applies the theme you select to the entire presentation.

To apply a theme to only one or a few slides, select the slide or slides, right-click the theme you want, and select Apply to Selected Slides.


slide master


the answer on edge2020

okay all the people that make other people cry leave me alone got it good





So many people have made me cry!!

How are blogs and wikis alike?

accessible 24/7

telecommunications technology

collaboration tool

available online

used for online dialog

increase business productivity



i think 1 3 and 4


Laptop computers use PCMCIA cards, another type of ________

USB drive
mass storage
smart cards
flash memory



mass storage or flash memory

Which of the following is true about overloaded methods?



Overloaded must have the same name but different parameter lists.


Given that in certain programming languages such as Java, the overload method is a means by which a specific word or symbol has more than one meaning or function, that Is, different parameters or executions but have the same name.

Hence, in this case, what is true about overloaded methods is that "Overloaded must have the same name but different parameter lists."

why are media conductors needed in computer network?​



Transmission media connectors attach directly to the medium itself and serve as the physical interface between cabling and network nodes.



masamstha 31 is correct hope it's help you have a good day

For this assignment, you will create a calendar program that allows the user
to enter a day, month, and year in three separate variables as shown below.
Then, your program should ask the user to select from a menu of choices
using this formatting
1) Calculate the number of days in the given month.
2) calculate the number of days left in the given year.

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me on this.


Following are the program to the given question:

Program Explanation:

Defining three methods "leap_year, number_of_days, and days_left " is declared. In the "leap_year" method, it accepts the year variable, which calculates the year is the leap year and returns its value that is 1. In the next method "number_of_days", it is define which accepts the "year and month" variable in the parameter and calculate and returns its value. In the last "days_left" method, it calculates the left days and returns its value, and outside the method, two dictionary variable days_31 and days_30 is declared.  It initilized a value by using 3 input variable "day, month, and year" variable which accepts user-input value. In the next step, a "c" variable is declared, that input values and calls and print its value accordingly.


def leap_year(y):#defining a method leap_year that takes one parameter

   l= 0#defining l variable that holds an integer

   if y % 4 == 0:#using if block that check year value module by 4 equal to 0

       l = 1#holding value in l variable

   if y % 100 == 0:#using if block that check year value module by 100 equal to 0

       l = 0#holding value in l variable

       if y % 400 == 0:#using if block that check year value module by 400 equal to 0

           l= 1#holding value in l variable

   return l#return l value

def number_of_days(m, y):#defining a method number_of_days that takes two parameters

   months = {1: 31, 3: 31, 4: 30, 5: 31, 6: 30, 7: 31, 8: 31, 9: 30, 10: 31, 11: 30, 12: 31}#defining months variable that hold value in ictionary

   l = leap_year(y)#defining l variable that calls leap_year method and holds its value

   if l == 1 and m == 2:#use if that check l value equal to 1 and 2

       return 29#return value 29

   if m == 2:#use if that check month value equal to 2

       return 28#return value 29

   return months[m]#return months value

def days_left(d, m, y):#defining a method days_left that takes three variable in parameter

   l = leap_year(y)#defining l variable that hold leap_year method value

   days = 0#defining days variable that hold integer value

   months = {1: 31, 3: 31, 4: 30, 5: 31, 6: 30, 7: 31, 8: 31, 9: 30, 10: 31, 11: 30, 12: 31}#defining months variable that hold value in ictionary

   if l== 1:#using if that check l equal to 1

       if m > 2:#defining if that check m value greater than 2

           days += (29 + 31)#using days variable that Calculate holds its value

           i = m#defining i variable that holds months value

           while i > 2:#defining while loop that checks other days

               days += months[i]#defining a days variable that holds months value

               i -= 1#decreasing i value

           days -= (months[m] - d)#defining days that subtracts leap value

       elif m == 2:#defining elif block that checks m equal to 2

           days += (29 - d) + 31#holding value in days variable

       else:#defining else block

           days = 31 - d#Calculating days value

       return 366 - days#using return keyword that Calculates days value

   else:#defining else block

       if m > 2:#using if that checks m value greater than 2

           days += (28 + 31)#Calculating and store value in days

           i = m#holding months value in i

           while i > 2:#defining while loop that checks i value greater than 2

               days += months[i]#holding list value in days

               i -= 1#decreasing i value

           days -= (months[m] - d)#defining days that subtracts leap value

       elif m == 2:#using elif block that checks m value equal to 2

           days += (28 - d) + 31#Calculating and store value in days

       else:#defining else block

           days = 31 - d##Calculating and store value in days

       return 365 - days#return total days

print("Please enter a date")#print message

day = int(input("Day: "))#input value

month = int(input("Month: "))#input value

year = int(input("Year: "))#input value

print("Menu: ")#print message

print("1) Calculate the number of days in the given month.")#print message

print("2) Calculate the number of days left in the given year.")#print message

c = int(input())#input value

if c == 1:#using if that checks c value equal to 1

   print(number_of_days(month, year))#calling method and print its return value

elif c == 2:#using if that checks c value equal to 2

   print(days_left(day, month, year))#calling method and print its return value


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I feel it is C, but I am not sure if it is correct, I can only apologize if it is wrong.

can some one help me i do not now how to give a BRANLEST. if you help i will give you one BRANLEST.



check your questions on your profile ✨


Once there are two answers to your question, you look at them, and in the bottom right corner, you will see a crown press that good luck! :D

which option is the correct format of placing html tags while coding in html



what are the answers?

it just says A, B. C. or D.


Analyze the map below and answer the question that follows. A topographic map of Northwestern Russia. Areas on the map are circled and labeled 1, 2, 3, and 4. 1 is a mountain range. 2 is a flat area. 3 is a highland area. 4 is a plateau. Image by Natural Earth The region labeled with the number 1 on the map above is the __________.


Answer:region 1



region 1


correct on edg 2020

pls help quick

Question #4. This question is worth 55 points. You may use the exam reference sheet. Write the pseudocode for a procedure, pow2() that displays the nth power of 2 where n is a parameter passed into the procedure. PROCEDURE pow2 ) { }​



The procedure is completed as follows:

PROCEDURE pow2(n){

count = 1

power = 1

WHILE count <= n

       power = power * 2

       count = count + 1


Print power



A pseudocode is not a real code and might not be syntactically correct. This is so because it only helps to understand what the code is all about and gives and insight of the code.

Having said that, the pseudocode for the program is as follows:

This line defines the procedure

PROCEDURE pow2(n){

This line initializes count to 1

count = 1

This line initializes power to 1

power = 1

The following iteration iterates from 1 to n

WHILE count <= n

This calculates the nth power of 2

       power = power * 2

       count = count + 1

The ends the while loop


This prints the calculated power

Print power

The procedure ends here


Note that: I'll assume that the 4 lines illustrated do not mean that the pseudocode be written in just 4 lines.

So, more lines would be needed

4.9 Code Practice: Question 2
Write code using the range function to add up the series 20, 30, 40, ... 90 and print the resulting sum each step along the way.

Expected Output


total = 0

for x in range(20,91,10):

   total += x


I hope this helps!


sum = 0

for i in range (20, 91, 10):

  sum += i


_______are a set of track sectors, ranging from 2 to 32 or more, depending on the formatting scheme in use.

Track sectors



pretty sure it's d. clusters

if not it's also probably a. cylinders


Which area of engineering focuses on the study of materials, products, and structures that may cause injury or damage?
forensic engineering
mechanical engineering
biomedical engineering
materials engineering



Forensic engineering


Forensic engineering matches the definition of "a area of engineering that focuses on the study of materials, products, and structures that may cause injury or damage"

A ______ is a portable device for recording audio and video.
a. recorder
b. video
c. television
d. camcorder





A camcorder is a portable device for recording audio and video. Thus, option D is correct.

What is video?

A video is a recording of a motion, or television program for playing through a television. A camcorder is a device or gadget that is used to record a video. audio is the sounds that we hear and mix media is a tool used to edit the video.

Digital camcorders are known to have a better resolution. The recorded video in this type of camcorder can be reproduced, unlike using an analog which losing image or audio quality can happen when making a copy. Despite the differences between digital and analog camcorders, both are portable, and are used for capturing and recording videos.

A camcorder is a self-contained portable electronic device with video and recording as its primary function. A camcorder is specially equipped with an articulating screen mounted on the left side, a belt to facilitate holding on the right side, hot-swappable battery facing towards the user, hot-swappable recording media, and an internally contained quiet optical zoom lens.

Therefore, A camcorder is a portable device for recording audio and video. Thus, option D is correct.

Learn more about recording audio on:



Federico is using diagrams in a PowerPoint presentation for his science project. He needs to draw four different circles on one slide. Although the circles should be different sizes, none of them should be stretched like an oval. They must be perfectly round circles.

Which sequence of buttons and keys should Federico press to draw a perfectly round circle?

A. click Design tab → click Shapes in the Drawing group → press and hold Shift → select Oval while holding Shift → left-click on the slide and drag the mouse while still holding Shift

B. click Home tab → click Shapes in the Drawing group → select Oval → press and hold Shift → left-click on the slide and drag the mouse while holding Shift

C. click Design tab → click Shapes in the Drawing group → select Oval → press and hold Shift → right-click on the slide and drag the mouse while holding Shift

D. click Home tab → press and hold Shift → click Shapes in the Drawing group → select Oval while holding Shift → right-click on the slide and drag the mouse while still holding Shift





click Home tab → click Shapes in the Drawing group → select Oval → press and hold Shift → left-click on the slide and drag the mouse while holding Shift.

What is Powerpoint Presentation?

A complete presentation graphics suite is PowerPoint. It provides you with everything required to create a presentation that looks polished. Word editing, outlining, sketching, graphing, and presentation management tools are all available in PowerPoint, all of which are simple to use and pick up.

The slides that make up a PowerPoint presentation are what the presentation is built of. The PowerPoint slides you produce can also be shown as overhead transparencies or 35mm slides.

You can print audience handouts, outlines, and speaker's notes in addition to the slides. The robust Slide Master, which will be discussed in the tutorial, can format any slide in a presentation.

Therefore, click Home tab → click Shapes in the Drawing group → select Oval → press and hold Shift → left-click on the slide and drag the mouse while holding Shift.

To learn more about Powerpoint presentation, refer to the link:



_______are a set of track sectors, ranging from 2 to 32 or more, depending on the formatting scheme in use.

Track sectors




if thats incorrect than Cylinders

If it is 12 am on January 7 in Reykjavík, Iceland (location B), what date and time is it in Galápago Islands,
Ecuador (location E)?



Since the time zone of the Galapagos Islands is UTC -06: 00, while the time zone of Iceland (including its capital, Reykjavik) is UTC 00:00, the time difference between both territories is 6 hours behind in the Islands Galapagos with respect to Iceland.

Thus, since 12:00 AM implies 00:00 hours or the beginning of the day, if it were 12:00 AM on January 7 in Reykjavik, it would be 06:00 PM on January 6 in the Galapagos Islands.

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