Choose one abiotic and one biotic factor from your ecosystem. Imagine that they were suddenly removed. How would your ecosystem change? Tell me which factors you removed and how would your ecosystem change.


Answer 1


Abiotic factor: Water | Biotic factor: Trees


Abiotic factors are non-living components within an ecosystem. Biotic factors are living organisms within an ecosystem. By removing the abiotic factor, water, an ecosystem will drastically decline. Just like humans, plants and animals depend on water. When drought hits, food supplies can be reduced and habitat compromised. Damage may be temporary, and habitat and food supplies may return to normal once the drought is over. By removing the biotic factor, trees, an ecosystem will suffer from material loss and climate change. Without trees, the land would be hot and dry, and dead trees would inevitably lead to large wildfires. This causes sun-blocking soot to blanket the skies, leading to years of crop failure and global famine.

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what is oxygen nitrogen sodium carbon chlorine an helium gumdrop color



it depends tbh


A population of wolves is reintroduced into Yellowstone National Park. For the first decade, the wolf population grows exponentially. Then, the population growth slows. The new pattern is known as,.
limiting factors.
logistic growth.
exponential growth.
carrying capacity.



logistic growth.

A student is examining an onion cell under a microscope. Based on their observations, the student proposes that the onion cell is in interphase.


Answer:The DNA is beginning to condense and become visible.


☐ What is one way that cancer cells are physically different than normal cells? ​


By understanding how cancer cells differ from normal cells, researchers develop treatments. If you have cancer, this knowledge may help you understand what’s going on inside your body.

These are the most significant differences between cancer cells and normal cells:

Cancer cells keep dividing. Cancer cells ignore the body’s signals to stop dividing. Your body has a built-in process, called apoptosis or programmed cell death, that tells the body to get rid of cells it doesn’t need anymore. Normal cells are better at listening: They listen to the body’s cues and stop reproducing when enough cells are present.
Cancer cells grow too rapidly to mature. Normal cells mature into distinct cell types. These different cell types have specific functions. For example, liver cells help your body metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates and help remove alcohol in your blood. Cancerous cells divide so quickly that they don’t have a chance to mature and become the specialized cells they set out to be.
Cancer cells may influence normal cells. Cancer cells may actually affect the behavior of the normal cells, molecules and blood vessels near a tumor. For example, cancer cells may recruit normal cells to develop new blood vessels. These vessels keep the tumor alive—and give it a chance to grow—by providing it with oxygen and nutrients.
Cancer cells trick the immune system. You probably know your immune system helps you fight off infection and disease. The immune system typically gets rid of abnormal or damaged cells. Cancer cells manage to evade this process, which allows tumors to grow.
Cancer cells are invasive. Because cancer cells ignore the body’s signals to stop dividing, they start invading tissues nearby. If a tumor is benign, it may push up against neighboring tissues, but won’t invade it. However, a malignant tumor invades tissue and is capable of spreading throughout the body.
Cancer cells may spread to other parts of the body. Normal cells know their place in your body and stay put. Metastatic cancer cells start spreading to other parts of the body. For example, cancer may develop in the lungs and spread to the liver. If this spread occurs, it’s known as metastatic lung cancer, not liver cancer.

I’m sorry I did way more than one lol.

What is the main source of energy for living things


The main source of energy for living things is The Sun.

The sun is the primary source of energy for organisms and the ecosystems to which they belong. Producers such as plants algae, and cyanobacteria use the energy of sunlight to make organic matter from carbon dioxide and water. This establishes the beginning of energy flow through nearly all food webs.

One of the most important energy sources is the sun. The sun's energy is the original source of most of the energy found on Earth. We collect solar thermal energy from the sun. Sunlight can also be used to generate electricity from solar cells' photovoltaics. His three main energy categories for power generation are fossil fuels coal natural gas oil nuclear energy, and renewable energy sources.

Learn more about The main source here:-


a child with blood types a, rh−, and m is born to a woman who has blood types o, rh−, and mn and a man who has blood types a, rh , and m. what is the mother's blood type?


The mother's blood type is O

Mother blood type is O, she will lack both the A and B alleles. For her to be Rh- she must have both recessive types. If M is co-dominant and there is no N's anywhere, then she must have at least one M. So mom's genotype would be:

O/O, r/r, MM or MN (incidentally, since O is not a recessive allele but rather the lack of an allele, the genotype for O is often written -/-)

Father blood type is A, he must have A alleles. To be Rh+ he must have at least one R. Again, he is type M and we do not see an N present anywhere so dad must be:

A/A, R/R or R/r, and MM or MN

Mom: ii rr MN, both O and Rh- are recessive and occur in homozygous condition

Dad: IAiRrMM or [tex]I^{A} I^{A} RrMM[/tex], father is heterozygous for Rr genes, as child is Rh-

Learn more about blood types here:


Questions on The excretory system


The function of skin is in perspiration, liver for deamination, kidney for ultrafiltration and Lungs for expiration.

What is excretion and how does it keep the body balanced?Excretion is the process in which all the waste substance either in the form of liquid or solid gets off our body .Skin is an excretory organ which excretes out sweat which is produces as a result of excessive work .Liver , the largest organ of our body is an excretory organ which helps in deamination a process of converting ammonia in toxic form to detoxic form .Kidney the bean shaped organ of our excretory system helps in urine production , selective reabsorption , ultrafiltration etc.Lungs the two pumping organs of our body , when we breathe in air get filled in lungs and we expire the air gets expired out of lungs.

To know more about excretory system visit:


Describe the basic molecular structures and primary functions of the four major categories of biological macromolecules. In your explanation, include their molecular structures, their monomers (building blocks), and their basic function in living organisms.


The four categories of macromolecules are; lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids.

What are the biological macromolecules?

The biological macromolecules are those molecules that are very large and can be found in the body which cold also be used for the performance of various functions in the body.

The four basic biological macromolecules are;

1) Lipids; These are the fats that are composed of fatty acids that combine with glycerol and could be broken down to yield energy.

2) Proteins: These are large macromolecules that are held together by the polypeptide linkages and could be broken down to yield amino acids.

3) Carbohydrates: These are the macromolecules that are made up of large units of glucose and they could be broken down to give energy

4) Nucleic acids: These are the macromolecules that are found to be involved in genetic materials.

Learn more about biological molecules:


If you are sick from a bacterial infection what do you use to treat that infection ?



Antibiotics usually cure bacterial infections. They sometimes go away on their own or can be treated without antibiotics, but it's always best to check with a healthcare provider for the best way to treat them.



In which two ways do plant cells use the sugar made in photosynthesis ?

• to produce phosphate groups
• to store inorganic matter
• to supply the plant with energy for life
• to make other types of organic molecules


To supply the plant with energy for life and to make other types of organic molecules.

Through photosynthesis, plants make glucose and can use that glucose for energy. Additionally, plants use glucose to make more complex organic molecules, which they can use to build cell walls.


To make more complex sugar molecules

To store energy for life processes.

which statement about agroecosystems is true? agroecosystems have low species and habitat diversity. agriculture does not change the natural environment. agroecosystems are similar to natural ecosystems. monoculture decreases the use of chemicals.


The correct answer is option A .

The artificial ecosystem known as an agroecosystem is made up of agricultural land. It is different from natural ecosystem because agroecosystem could not sustain freely.

What is agroecosystem ?

The ecosystems that support our farms' and gardens' food production systems are known as agroecosystems. The human activity of agriculture, as the name suggests, forms the basis of an agroecosystem.

Why we should build agroecosystem ?

In the face of climate shocks and stressors, agroecology aids in the preservation, improvement, and protection of agriculture and food systems. Diverse, cohesive agroecological systems can boost carbon sequestration, improve livelihood resilience, and offer solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

For more information about agroecosystem, visit-


What is a Monomer????


a molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a polymer


a molecule that can be bonded to other identical molecules to form a polymer. a polymer is a substance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together, e.g., many synthetic organic materials used as plastics and resins.


plants produce spores during the _____ stage and produce sex cells during the _______ stage.



Plants produce spores during the sporophyte stage and produce sex cells during the gametophyte stage.

What type of cellular structure must be involved in the translation of viral proteins and enzymes?.


The translation of viral proteins and enzymes requires structural viral proteins.

What exactly are viral proteins?

There are two types of viral proteins, structural and nonstructural. There are two types of viral proteins: structural proteins, which aid in the translation of viral proteins, and non-structural proteins, which act as enzymes in viral genome replication.

The virus initiates the processes of replication and translation after it has entered the host cell. Transcription, the process by which DNA is converted into mRNA, requires that first DNA be replicated. The translation process begins when messenger RNA (mRNA) combines with ribosomes. During infection, several RNA viruses produce messenger RNA (mRNA), which can be used to convert the virus's DNA into proteins. Through the processes of transcription and translation, viruses containing a negative strand of RNA or DNA can be produced.

Hence, the virus needs structural viral protein for translation.

To know more about structural proteins, refer to the following link:


local innate immune responses attempt to control a parasite in the early stages of infection. what happens if these local immune responses fail to control the parasite?


When local immune responses fail to control a parasite in the early stages of infection, antigen and antigen-loaded dendritic cells move to the lymphatics and then to local lymph nodes.

What are parasites?

A parasite is any organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. A parasite cannot live, grow, and multiply without a host, For this reason, a parasite rarely kills its host, but it can spread diseases, some of which may be fatal.

There are three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans namely: protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites.

Learn more on parasites from:


first, drag the labels of group 1 to their respective targets to identify the steps of the calvin cycle. then drag the labels of group 2 to their respective targets to identify the molecules involved in the cycle. labels of group 2 can be used more than once.


The Calvin cycle involves four stages: Carbon fixation (CO₂ enters the cycle and produce 3-C molecules) Reduction (NADPH and ATP are reduced. Electrons are used to produce G3P) Regeneration (RuBP is regenerated) Release (G3P is released to the cytosol). Image attached.

What are the stages of the Calvin cycle?

The Calvin cycle is composed of four main stages.

Carbon fixationReductionRegenerationRelease

1) During the carbon fixation phase, the CO₂ molecule combinates with a ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (5-C molecule) to form 6-C molecules, which will divide into two 3-phosphoglycerate molecules, 3-PGA (3-C molecules).

 CO₂ + ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate ⟶ 6-C molecule ⟶ 2 3-PGA

2) During the reduction phase, ATP and NADPH are used to produce the sugar molecule glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P) from 3-PGA molecules.


NADPH donates its electrons to turn 3-PGA into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate, G3P.


   3-PGA + ATP + NADPH ⟶ G3P + ADP + NADP⁺

3) During the release phase, some glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate molecules leave the cycle and go to the cytosol to form glucose and fructose.

4) Finally, during the regeneration phase,

Some G3P gets recycled to regenerate the RuBP acceptor. This last reaction needs ATP and a series of other reactions.

When three CO₂ enter the cycle, 6 G3P are produced. One of them leaves the cycle, and the remaining five are recycled and generate three RuBP.

In the attached files, you will find the complete image with labels from group 1 and 2 identifying the steps and the molecules, respectively.

You can learn more about the Calvin cycle at


What would the alleles be for the following organism?
A pea plant is homozygous dominant for yellow seeds (Y).




None of the above





Homozygous Dominant means that there are two identical dominant alleles (YY). Therefore, if one of the given alleles is dominant (Y), then for homozygous, both will be dominant (YY).

A) YY is your answer.

If it is heterozygous, then it will have alleles of (Yy) or (yY). If it is homozygous recessive, then the alleles will be (yy).

Learn more about homozygous dominant, here:

Which of the following best describes the
difference in cytokinesis between animal
and plant cells?
Plant cells form a cleavage furrow and Animal
cells form a cell plate.
Plant cells split using the formation of a cell
plate, made up of vesicles, whereas animal
cells form a cleavage furrow as the cell
membrane is drawn inward.


Answer: Plant cells develop a cell plate while animal cells develop a cleavage furrow.


An organism with traits that become unfavored in an environmental change will likely-


In response to environmental changes, organisms frequently adapt or undergo a mutation that improves their chances of surviving in the new environment.

When an organism's environment doesn't support its growth and reproduction, the population of that organism in that environment grows.

Traits that are favoured more frequently survive over time, while those that make it difficult for an organism to endure unfavoured environments are not favoured.

These organisms pass away, and the traits gradually vanish from the community.

What trait attribute benefits an organism?

Any organism will profit from a feature that is advantageous in one environment. Helpful features increase an organism's chances of surviving and passing them on to their progeny. An organism cannot possess traits that would enable it to endure in environments that are dissimilar from those in its home.

To learn more about Favorable traits, Organisms, visit


bryan decides to start running a half-marathon. he moves his feet and swings his arms as he starts to go faster and faster. which neuron type is most likely responsible for his running actions?


Bryan chooses to begin training for a half-marathon. As he begins to move more quickly, he moves his feet and swings his arms. His sprinting behaviors are probably caused by a particular sort of spinal cord neuron.

The two primary purposes of spinal neurons are to integrate proprioceptive input and motor output and to transfer cutaneous sensory information to higher brain centers. As far as anatomy is concerned, these two functional systems are divided.

learn more about spinal cord neuron here :


If these examples are density independent or dependent limiting factor


In ecology, density is a measure that refers to how many individuals a population has in a specific habitat.

Considering this, we can say that water is a density-dependent limiting factor, since this is a limited resource that can vary its availability annually, but also is a species have too many individuals, all of them will not have the same capacity to reach this resource, especially when we talk about large animals or plants.

Diseases caused by bacteria would be also a density-dependent limiting factor, since only when too many microorganisms of a pathogenic species replicate in our bodies, do we begin to feel the symptoms of that illness.

Predators are also a density-dependent limiting factor since the species which they feed on can be overhunted by them, being reduced in number of individuals, or being not too much hunted and increase their individuals.

Earthquakes are a density-independent limiting factor, since they do not depend on other factors to occur, but only on the movement of our planet's plates.

Finally, limits population regardless of how many organisms are present in the area is a density-independent limiting factor, since they do not depend on how many organisms they're to limit the increase of the population. Being this option an abiotic kind of non-limiting factor.

Which of the following is a characteristic of science? (3 points) a It cannot be repeated. b It asks questions that cannot be tested. c It is done by only one scientist at a time. d It uses data and observations to make conclusions.



D: it uses data and observations to make conclusions


Hemoglobin is the protein found in ______ blood cells that transports ______ throughout the circulatory system.


Hemoglobin is the protein found in the RED BLOOD CELLS that transports OXYGEN throughout the circulatory system.

Where does the oxygen that the red blood cell carries go?The main cells in the blood that circulates throughout the body are red blood cells. The primary function of red blood cells is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body's organs.Hemoglobin is the primary protein in red blood cells that binds to and transports oxygen.Red blood cells move in single file through slender capillaries. The hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells absorb and transport oxygen. These oxygen-rich cells travel from the lungs to the heart's left side via the blood arteries. Pumps are then used to circulate the body.Red blood cells have the shape of a flat disk or doughnut that is spherical with an indentation in the middle but is not hollow.

To know more about hemoglobin, refer:


The diploid chromosome number in standard laboratory mice is 40. What is n for this organism?.


There are 40 diploid chromosomes under ordinary laboratory conditions, hence the haploid number is equal to half of the diploid number. As a result, the diploid number is 2 n = 40.

Which of these cells has a diploid 2n genome?

A pair of nonhomologous sex chromosomes and two sets of 22 homologous chromosomes make up the 46 chromosomes found in human somatic cells. The 2n, or diploid, state, is this.

A single cell eventually divides into two daughter cells, each of which has the same amount of genome as the mother (initial) cell. As a result, when mitosis begins, a cell with 40 chromosomes will give rise to daughter cells with 40 chromosomes.

Genetic information is transported from cell to cell in a structure like a thread made of protein and a single DNA molecule. The diploid state is indicated by the word 2n. The presence of two sets of chromosomes in the cell is indicated.

learn more about diploid chromosome refer


A ______ is a group into which organisms are classified

a. class
b. archaea
c. phylum
d. taxon​




i hope that this helps

Two birds collide in midair. Before the collision, their combined momentum
was 35 kg-m/s to the east. What is their combined momentum after the
A. 35 kg-m/s west
B. 35 kg-m/s down
C. 35 kg-m/s north
D. 35 kg-m/s east


D. 35 kg-m/s east  is their combined momentum after the collision

Momentum after a collision is it zero?

Momentum is preserved when two objects collide. The ultimate momentum is not zero since the beginning momentum is not. They can't both be at ease. One of the objects may be at rest following the impact.

Consequently, the system's overall momentum will be preserved because it was constant before and after the impact.

Collisions between two objects naturally fall under Newton's third rule of motion. When two objects collide, forces of equal magnitude and opposing direction are applied to each item. Such pressures frequently result in one thing gaining momentum and gaining speed while the other object slows down (lose momentum).

Learn more about Collisions refer


the rate of synthesis for a particular protein increases. what is the most likely cellular manifestation? please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. answer choices an increase in the fidelity function more polysomes fewer polysomes more free ribosomes decreased ribozyme activity


The rate of synthesis for a particular protein increases therefore the most likely cellular manifestation is more polysomes and is therefore denoted as option B.

What is a Polysome?

This is also known as a polyribosome and it consists of a group of ribosomes which are bound to an mRNA molecule in the form of beads in a cell.

We are aware that ribosome is the organelle which is responsible form protein synthesis in cells of living organisms due to its important functions such as growth etc.

This therefore means that an increase in the rate of a particular protein means that there are more ribosomes in the form of polysomes which is therefore the reason why option B was chosen as the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Protein here


The options are:

None of the above.More polysomesAn increase in the fidelity function.Decreased ribozyme activity.More free ribosomes.

Please Help!
1. Name any two of the major types of chemical substances that are broken down in chemical digestion. For each substance, name an enzyme that breaks them down and what final product is actually absorbed by the body for use or storage.

2. Why does the GI tract have a plexus in the muscalaris and nerves in the mucosa? What physiological functions of the tract are supported by these anatomical structures? Think about your answer in the context of Hirschsprung’s disease, a congenital disorder of the colon that involves a defect in the myenteric plexus. What symptom or problem do you imagine the disease would cause?



let me attempt to answer your questions.

1. a.Carbohydrates. They are broken down by several enzymes; ptyalin converts cooked starch to maltose and maltase converts maltose to glucose,which is used by the body cells to produce energy in the form of ATP and it's excess is stored as glycogen in the liver

b. Proteins. Pepsin converts proteins to peptides,rennin converts caseinogen to casein. Trypsin also converts proteins to peptides. Erepsin converts peptides to amino acids which are used by the body. Proteins also yield energy for the body ie. 4kcal per gram

2. The GI tract has a plexus in the muscularis so that there can be a localized control of gastrointestinal motility ie. the myenteric plexus of the muscularis alongside the Meissner plexus of the submucosa form the enteric nervous system. This is to say that the physiological function supported by these anatomical features is gastrointestinal motility. Hirschsprung disease or megacolon causes low GI motility

Define biotic and abiotic.

A. living and nonliving

B. chemical and physical

C. unicellular and multicellular

D. predator and prey



A. living and nonliving


the correct answer is A.

biotic = living

abiotic = nonliving

the root 'bio' refers to life

A student placed two samples of tissue in pure water. One was an animal sample, and the second was plant tissue.

What are the results the student will have after 48 hours have passed?


When placed in a solution with a high concentration of water relative to its contents such as pure water red blood cells absorb water by osmosis swelling and rupture. Water diffuses from a high extracellular water concentration to a low intracellular water concentration.

The cell contents cytoplasm and vacuoles press against the cell wall, causing the cell to swell. Fully swollen cells support the non-lignified plant stem. In more concentrated solutions with low water potential, the cell contents lose water by osmosis. They contract and move away from the cell wall.

There is no net movement of the water when cells are held in an isotonic solution with the same water concentration as the cells. So the correct answer is option A. When the solution moves from the outside to the inside this is called osmosis. Cell rupture can occur due to excess water inside the cell. It acquires water by osmosis and swells until the cytoplasm and cell membrane are pressed against the cell wall. they should be swollen.

Learn more about Plant tissue here:-


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