Decide if the following underlined conjugation is grammatically CORRECT or INCORRECT.

Je choisisse mes cours scolaires en juin.


Answer 1




Related Questions

Héy ! Je m'ennuie un peu en ce moment, peux-tu me parler​



Hey! I'm a little bored right now, can you talk to me

let's be friends you follow me and mark me branliset


Hey! I'm a bit bored right now, can you talk to me translated

what are these in English?



Answer:It means

Hello Hello Hello

Explanation:Have a good day




Coucou=Hey hi


Please mark me brainliest

Lena had a very bad evening yesterday. complete her description with the verbs in parenthesis and the pasdr compose.
1. il (falloir) attrendelre pour avoid une table
2. mous (boire) du tres mauvais Cafe
3. je (ne pas comprendre) la conversation
4. Maxime (etre) desagreable avec le serveur
5 ensuite, on (prendre) le mauvais train pour rentrer
6. il (pleuvoir) en chemin (on the way ) a la maison ​




1. il (falloir) attendre pour avoir une table.

Il a fallu attendre pour avoir une table.

2. nous (boire) du tres mauvais Cafe

Nous avons bu du très mauvais café.

3. je (ne pas comprendre) la conversation

Je n'ai pas compris la conversation.

4. Maxime (etre) desagreable avec le serveur

Maxime a été désagréable avec le serveur.

5 ensuite, on (prendre) le mauvais train pour rentrer

Ensuite, on a pris le mauvais train pour rentrer.

6. il (pleuvoir) en chemin (on the way ) a la maison

Il a plu en chemin à la maison. ​

Answer these questions in English.
3. Were there earlier forms of the flag? Why
have the changes been made?

4. What is your opinion of the flag?

5. When was this flag adopted?

6. Describe two other European flags which
have French as an official language.


6. I guess it’s Belgium and Switzerland

Compose the logical French questions to which the underlined words are the answers. Put the question word(s) at the end of the questions.
—Ils parlent du cours de chimie.
—J'ai donné ce livre à ma tante.
—Elle veut y aller à 16 heures.
—Son anniversaire est demain.



17. Est-ce qu'ils parlent du cours de chimie?

18-A qui est-ce que tu as donné ton livre?

19-Combien des heures il y aller?

20-Quand est son anniversaire?




Est-ce qu'ils parlent du cours de chimie?


A qui est-ce que tu as donné ton livre?


A quelle heure veut elle y aller?


Quand est son anniversaire?

David et Rachid sont 1 of 1 Sandrine. Question 2 with 1 blank Sandrine ne 1 of 1 pas; elle a décidé de rester dans le même appartement. Question 3 with 1 blank L'appartement de Sandrine a trois 1 of 1 : le salon, la salle à manger et la chambre. Question 4 with 1 blank Dans la 1 of 1 de Sandrine, il y a une baignoire. Question 5 with 1 blank L'appartement de David et Rachid n'a pas de 1 of 1; juste quelques affiches. Question 6 with 1 blank Sandrine est fâchée contre (angry with) 1 of 1. Question 7 with 1 blank Pascal a apporté des 1 of 1 pour Sandrine. Question 8 with 1 blank Sandrine dit que c'est 1 of 1 entre elle et Pascal.



Your question is a real mess...

It seems fairly obvious to me that we are missing a text, images, video or audio that the teacher provided you because there we come to have to invent...

David et Rachid sont avec (with) Sandrine. (???)

Sandrine ne déménage (to move out) pas; elle a décidé de rester dans le même appartement.

L'appartement de Sandrine a trois pièces (rooms) : le salon, la salle à manger et la chambre.

Dans la salle de bain (bathroom) de Sandrine, il y a une baignoire.

L'appartement de David et Rachid n'a pas de papier peint (wallpaper); juste quelques affiches.

Sandrine est fâchée contre (angry with) David. (???)

Pascal a apporté des fleurs (flowers) pour Sandrine.

Sandrine dit que c'est tendu (it's tense) entre elle et Pascal.

Have a good day

PLEASE HELP Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the logical word(s).
16. Je m'_________Sophie. (appeler)
17. J'_________17 ans. (avoir)
18. Ma famille et moi, nous_______allemand à la maison. (parler)
19. It's my eraser: C'est__________. (Pay attention to the possessive adjective.)
20. It's her laptop: C'est_________. (Pay attention to the possessive adjective.)
21. It's his laptop: C'est_________. (Pay attention to the possessive adjective.)
22. Un homme français:________hommes anglais. (Fill in the blank with the correct article.)
23. Elle est honnête: Il est_________.
24. Elle est sérieuse: Il est__________.
25. Est-ce qu'il__________un crayon dans ton sac? (Fill in the blank with the logical word or words.)


16. Je m’appelle Sophie
17. J’avoir 17 ans
18. Ma famille et moi, nous parlerons allemand à la maison.
19. C’est ma gomme
20. C’est sont ordinateur portable.
And that’s all I know sorry
Hello !

16. Je m’appelle
17. J’ai
18. Parlons
19. C’est mon effaceur/c’est ma gomme
20. C’est son ordinateur
21. C’est son ordinateur
22. Des hommes anglais
23. Il est honnête
24. Il est sérieux
25. Est-ce qu’il y a un crayon dans ton sac ?

Bye ✌️

{FRENCH} Open-ended questions don’t include the following pattern: interrogative _____.



Answer: D. article


edge 2020

Hi, if you can speak and read french fluently, could you please proofread my text?

“Strasbourg est situé dans l’est de France. Cette ville a environ 300 mille habitants. A cette ville c’est un très beau église, il s’appelle cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg eat c’est un grande architecture. Parc de l’orangeri est un parc rempli de fleurs colorés avec un petit zoo put les enfants.
A Strasbourg je veux marche au parc de l’Orangeri et mange du sorbet aux fraises”



“Strasbourg est situé dans l’est de France. Cette ville a environ 300 mille habitants. A cette ville c’est un très beau église, il s’appelle cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg eat c’est un grande architecture. Parc de l’orangeri est un parc rempli de fleurs colorés avec un petit zoo put les enfants.

A Strasbourg, je veux marche au parc de l’Orangeri et mange du sorbet aux fraises”


Just add a comma next to Strasbourge you can see the commo in bold

also if you want it in English so you can also proof read it here you go

"“Strasbourg is located in the east of France. This city has about 300 thousand inhabitants. In this city it is a very beautiful church, it is called Notre-Dame de Strasbourg Cathedral and it is a great architecture. Orange Park is a park full of colorful flowers with a small zoo for children.

In Strasbourg, I want to walk to the Orangeri park and eat strawberry sorbet "

Un mic ajutor, va rog.




Certain : certainement

Elégant : élégamment

Enorme : énormément

Négligent : négligemment

Immense : immensément

Puissant : puissamment

Précise : précisement

Prudent : prudemment

Récent : récemment

Write a few sentences about your own family, describing your relationships with various members and their relationships with you. You can use these words:
mère, frère, père, sœur, mon, ma, mes, famille, grands-parents


Answer: I made one for each, but they are just random answers

1. Ma mère est une très bonne cuisinière!

2. Mon frère est super intelligent, mais parfois ennuyeux .

3. Mon père travaille très dur et s'occupe du jardin

4. Ma sœur aime faire du shopping et a beaucoup de vêtements

5. Mes grands-parents possèdent une grande ferme et cultivent beaucoup de cultures

Mettez au pluriel. (Put in the plural.)

1. Le copain de Lucie est amusant.
___ copain ___ de Lucie sont amusant ____ .

2. La sœur de Monique est intelligente.
___ soeurs ___ de Monique sont intelligent ___ .

3. L’ami de Frédéric est français.
____ amis ___ de Frédéric sont français___ .

4. Le prof de biologie est strict.
____ prof ___ de biologie sont stricts ____ .

5. La fille brune est américaine.
____ fille ___ brune ____ sont américaine____ .


1. Les copains de Lucie sont amusants
2. Les soeurs de Monique sont intelligentes
3. Les amis de Frédéric sont français
4. Les profs de biologie sont stricts
5. Les filles brunes sont américaines

*Please help any answer is valid *Entrevue With a classmate, take turns asking
each other these questions.
1. Combien de personnes y a-t-il dans ta famille?
2. Comment s'appellent tes parents?
3. As-tu des frères et soeurs?
4. Combien de cousins/cousines as-tu? Comment
s'appellent-ils/elles? Où habitent-ils/elles?
5. Quel(le) (Which) est ton cousin préféré/ta
cousine préférée?
6. As-tu des neveux/des nièces?
7. Comment s'appellent tes grands-parents?
Où habitent-ils?
8. Combien de petits-enfants ont tes grands-parents?



i dont exactly know what you were asking for but:

How many people are there in your family?

2. What are your parents called?

3. Do you have any brothers and sisters?

4. How many cousins ​​do you have? How? 'Or' What

are they called? Where do they live?

5. Which is your favorite cousin / your

favorite cousin?

6. Do you have nephews / nieces?


7. What are your grandparents called?

Where do they live?

8. How many grandchildren have your grandparents?

fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate adjective below.
Martine a les chevex __.
A. blonde
B. blonds
C. blondes
D. blond



A. Martine A les Chevex Blond


In English that is Martine has Blonde hair

Ik French so i can assure you it correct if not then. I'll be disappointed in myself XD

Which of these doesn't belong based on its meaning (not masculine / feminine)?

Group of answer choices


le jus

le thé

le pain


L’eau I think I haven’t been in French that long I could be wrong
Answer: l’eau
explanation: I am in AP French and feminine verbs start with la, les, and l’ while masculine verbs start with le

care e e diferenta dintre dont que si qui?


Réponse: Vous avez des mots mal orthographiés, veuillez vérifier à nouveau ce que vous avez dit, je ne peux pas le comprendre.

Quelle forme?
Écrivez la forme de l'imparfait qui correspond à chaque sujet et infinitif.
1. choisir, tu:
2. aller, ils:
3. attendre, je:
4. être, on:
5. faire, nous:
6. avoir, VOUS:



1. Choisir à l'imparfait :

je choisissais

tu choisissais

il,elle, on choisissait

nous choisissions

vous choisissiez

ils, elles choisissaient

2. Verbe "aller" :


tu allais

il, elle, on  allait

nous allions

vous alliez

ils, elles allaient

3. Verbe "attendre" :


tu attendais

il ,elle, on attendait

nous attendions

vous attendiez

ils, elles attendaient

4. Verbe "être" :


tu étais

il , elle, on était

nous étions

vous étiez

ils ,elles étaient

5. Verbe "faire" :

je faisais

tu faisais

il , elle, on faisait

nous faisions

vous faisiez

ils,elles  faisaient

6. Verbe "avoir" :


tu avais

il, elle, on  avait

nous avions

vous aviez

ils,elles avaient

Fill in the blank in the following sentence will the appropriate form of the verb adorer below
Elles ___ leurs amins.
A. adore
B. adorez
C. adores
D. adorent


Salut !

Elles "adorent" leurs amis.

D. adorent

Verbe "adorer" au présent :


tu adores

il,elle, on adore

nous adorons

vous adorez

ils, elles adorent

D: adorent I think

Hope it helps

PLEASE HELP Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the logical word or words.
1. Mes parents aiment________de la musique. (écouter)
2. Est-ce que vous_________écouter de la musique? (aimer)
3. Est-ce que tu__________beaucoup de CDs et de DVDs? (avoir)
4. Those are your maps: Ce sont_________. (Pay attention to the possessive adjective.)
5. It's their pencil sharpener: C'est__________. (Pay attention to the possessive adjective.)
6. L'ordinateur:_________ordinateurs. (Fill in the blank with the correct article.)
7. Ils sont petits: Elles sont________.
8. Il est fâché: Elle est__________.
9. Il n'y a__________de crayon dans mon sac. (Fill in the blank with the logical word.)
10. Elle joue__________clarinette? (Fill in the blank with the logical preposition or prepositions.)




1. Mes parents aiment "écouter" de la musique. (écouter)

2. Est-ce que vous "aimez" écouter de la musique? (aimer)

3. Est-ce que tu "as" beaucoup de CDs et de DVDs? (avoir)

4. Those are your maps: Ce sont "vos" cartes.

5. It's their pencil sharpener: C'est "leur" .

6. L'ordinateur: "les" ordinateurs.

7. Ils sont petits: Elles sont "petites".

8. Il est fâché: Elle est "fâchée".

9. Il n'y a "pas" de crayon dans mon sac.

10. Elle joue "de la "clarinette?

can someone please help me with this ASAP pleaseeeee:(


Hello !

I can.

a. Notre école se trouve au centre-ville

b.notre quartier est très connu pour ses boutiques

c.Il y a une grande église dans notre ville

d.Le président de l’Irlande ... n’y a pas de stade ... y a deux châteaux ...


Bye !

the verb in Samuel and i



No verb


There is no action in the phrase "Samuel and I"

The sentence is not complete!

There is no verb because it’s not a complete sentence

Which word or phrase best completes this sentence? ____ s’asseoir, on utilise un fauteuil.
A. Par
B. Parce que
C. Pour
D. Il faut

Please hurry quick! Correct answer gets brainliest!



Its C


I already took french

Answer: C.pour


Listen to the audio and choose the correct form of comparison. A. Rodrigue a plus de chemises que Yanis. B. Rodrigue a moins de chemises que Yanis. C. Rodrigue a autant de chemises que Yanis. D. Yanis a moins de chemises que Rodrigue.





Rodrigue a moins de chemises que Yanis

I took the test :)

can someone please answer pleaseeee 20 POINTS!! PLEASE


B= c’est
D= a la
E=? Het
F= une
G= edutions

Answers to C and E:

C) Il y a 875 élèves dans notre école. (Translation: There's 875 students in our school.)

E) Nous n'avons pas d'uniforme scolaire. (Translation : We don't have any school uniform.)

Hope this helped :) My first language is French btw

How have French films, filmmakers, and actors influenced the American industry?



french film was largely influenced by this, as seen when people like Truffaut, Godard, Chabrol, Rohmer, and Rivette came of age as filmmakers and they saw no contradiction in rejecting the French filmmaking establishment while loving commercial Hollywood. Godard even said, “It was cinema that made us – or me, at least – want to make films. I knew nothing of life except through the cinema.” So, I would say that French film was heavily influenced by American film in that they loved the idea of Hollywood cinema and filmmaking, and then took that into their own world of youthful vigor and postwar reconstruction to create a more "casual" look suited to the culture. They were just a bunch of young kids with a pure love of cinema

PLEASE HELP Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the logical word(s).
16. Je m'_________Sophie. (appeler)
17. J'_________17 ans. (avoir)
18. Ma famille et moi, nous_______allemand à la maison. (parler)
19. It's my eraser: C'est__________. (Pay attention to the possessive adjective.)
20. It's her laptop: C'est_________. (Pay attention to the possessive adjective.)
21. It's his laptop: C'est_________. (Pay attention to the possessive adjective.)
22. Un homme français:________hommes anglais. (Fill in the blank with the correct article.)
23. Elle est honnête: Il est_________.
24. Elle est sérieuse: Il est__________.
25. Est-ce qu'il__________un crayon dans ton sac? (Fill in the blank with the logical word or words.)



16. Je m'appelle Sophie

17. J'ai 17 ans.

18. Ma famille et moi, nous parlons allemand à la maison.

19. C'est mon efface.

20. C'est son ordinateur.

21. C'est son ordinateur.

22. Des hommes anglais.

23. Il est honnête.

24. Il est sérieux.

25. Est-ce qu'il y a un crayon dans ton sac.

Hope this helped :) French is my 1st language btw so there shoundn't be any errors in ur hw. Good luck!

À quels sports joue-t-on en Inde ?
Ill give brainliest to whoever answer



On joue le cricket et le hockey en Inde

Idées des éléments déclencheurs





Below is a list of six prominent personalities from French-speaking countries. Select two individuals and describe their physical appearance using the words and phrases you learned in this unit. Take a screenshot of the image you used and upload it via the dropbox.

Justin Trudeau (politician), Marion Cotillard (actress), Stromae (musician), Romelu Lukaku (soccer player), Céline Dion (musician), Gad Elmaleh (comedian)
Write 4-6 complete sentences for each individual. Include the following in each description:

Eye color
Hair color
Hair length
Hair texture
Items of clothing (Use the verb 'AVOIR' (to have) that you have learned Ex: He has a t-shirt, pants, and a hat.)
Nationality (review from Unit 1)


Bonjour !

I'm from Belgium so I'll pick both belgian individuals, namely: Romelu Lukaku and Stromae.


Romelu Lukaku a les yeux bruns, de courts cheveux brun et crépus.

Il a un maillot de l'équipe de football de Belgique et des chaussure de sport noires.

Romelu est né en Belgique, a un père Congolais et une mère Belge.


Stromae a les yeux couleur amande, des cheveux courts et lisses.

Il a une chemise pleine de couleur et un pantalon bariolé ainsi que des chaussures de cuir.

Stromae est né en Belgique d'un père Rwandais et d'une mère Belge.


yeux = eyes

œil = eye

cheveux = hair

chaussures = shoes

pantalon = trousers

I hope I helped you !, Have a good day

{FRENCH} Which of the following is not one of the most common interrogative pronouns?



Answer: Omg Im taking french 2 tooo but anyways I think it has to be quel


Other Questions
FISICOQUIMICA HIDROSTATICA Please give the correct answer and I will give a brainless all semester58:1What are the characteristics of an independent clause? Select three options.AbcIt contains a subject and a verb.It expresses a complete thought.It begins with a relative pronoun.It can stand alone as a complete sentence.It cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. answer if you actually know Please help its7to10 I be waiting like two hours Can anyone answer on of these question in Spanish? The weather forecast calls for a total of 16 inches of snow over the next week. If it is estimated that 2.8 inches of snow will fall on Monday, 3.4 inches of snow will fall on Tuesday, 1.6 inches of snow will fall on Wednesday, 2.1 inches of snow will fall on Thursday, 1.7 inches of snow will fall on Friday, and 2.9 inches of snow will fall on Saturday. How much snow should fall on Sunday? A.3.2 inchesB.3.6 inchesC.1.5 inchesD.0.5 inches What value of x satisfies the equation below? Explainhow you know- 6x=36 Which marketing mix element related to storing over 1000 products in a temporary warehouse. Promotion Product Price or PlaceILL MARK BRANILIEST is this relation a function? justify your answer.please help! A swim coach wants to test whether practicing with swim paddles improves swimmers' breaststroke times in the 100-meter relay race. He asks the first member of the relay team to continue swimming without paddles. He asks the otherthree members of the relay team to swim with paddles for two weeks. He records the swim times of the relay teams withand without paddles. Which group of an experiment are the other three members of the relay team part of?-single-blind-confounding-control-experimental Please can someone help me In this polygon, which angle is an interior angle?pls answer 20 pointsA. cB. aC. bD. d PLEASE I NEED HELP NOW!!!!!Frank types in many numbers to calculate baseball statistics. To enter these numbers, he should use the _____. Read this passage. It takes place just after Alfonso has promised to take Sandra riding, but hes broken his bike chain. At four he decided to get it over with and started walking to Sandra's house, trudging slowly, as if he were waist-deep in water. Shame colored his face. How could he disappoint his first date? She would probably laugh. Broken Chain, Gary Soto What evidence from the passage supports the theme People often care about what others think of them? Alfonso deciding to go out with Sandra Alfonso worrying that Sandra will laugh Alfonso being angry at himself for blushing What good did Minoans import to make cloth?cottonflaxsilkwool What inspired the natives to fight for independence the most? Why? QUICK QUESTIONGrade 7 Unit 2 CFA1Annotate each passage to model your metacognitionThe Importance of Sending People to SpaceSeveral generations of people have seen pictures of Neil Armstrong stepping onto the Moon in 1969. At 1 the time, the hundreds of millions who watched this historic event likely thought it marked the beginningof a bold new kind of exploration. Perhaps they thought they would soon hear more messages from outer space. Maybe they envisioned that by the turn of the century someone would walk on the surface of Mars. Now, though, more than 40 years later, its robotsnot astronautswho are making most of the voyages beyond Earths atmosphere. Robotic space exploration does have some advantages. However, there are many reasons why we should make sending more people into space a priority.-Beyond the Program-The capabilities of the space probes and rovers we now use would have been the stuff of science fiction 2 just a few short decades ago. Like any other machines, though, they have one major weakness. Theycan do only what they are programmed to do. They cannot make a distinction between unusual and expected observations. They cannot reason. They cannot think. A human scientist who identified a curious specimen on Mars would likely concentrate on finding out everything possible about it. The unthinking robot would probably treat it as just another sample.-Efforts Yield Results-One of the arguments in favor of using robots to explore space is that machines can go places humans cannot. This may be true, but lets consider the other side. Maybe the reason astronauts are not able to go to these places yet is that we arent putting enough effort into figuring out how to meet their complex needs during prolonged space missions. Humans have proven time and again that they are able to solve problems that may have seemed impossible at first. There is no reason to assume that the challenge of sending people to Mars, Jupiter, or Neptune and getting them back home safely would be any different.-Costs and Benefits-Humans, as living things, have many needs that robots do not. Giving astronauts what they require to stay 4 healthy in space naturally makes these kinds of missions more expensive than ones that use robots. Its vital to weigh these increased costs against the benefits. If sending one human crew to Venus could advance our knowledge of the universe as much as three robotic space missions could, even a much higher cost would be justified.Keeping the Dream Alive It is said that the idea of traveling into space captures the imagination. For most, though, its not an image 5 of a small vehicle rolling across the surface of Mars that inspires awe and wonder. Its the notion thatone daypeople from Earth will explore distant worlds that are literally millions of miles away from our home planet. Read the excerpt from The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone.The French army stayed behind in Egyptand so did the scholars. In late August, shortly after Napoleon's departure, a large, heavy package arrived at the scholars' palace in Cairo. When they opened it, they found it contained a black stone slab covered with writing in three different scripts.A note from a French army officer accompanied the package. He told the scholars that the stone had been unearthed in an old fort near the town of Rosetta, thirty-five miles north of Alexandria. French soldiers were tearing down a ruined wall in the fort when they came upon the slab.Which statement accurately describes a cause-and-effect relationship described in this excerpt?Because Napoleon departs for France, the French army and scholars decide to stay in Egypt.Because the French army and scholars decide to stay in Egypt, Napoleon decides to depart for France.Because the French soldiers are tearing down a ruined wall in a fort, they discover the Rosetta Stone.Because the French soldiers are searching for the Rosetta Stone, they tear down a ruined wall in a fort. -Why had only three settlements been established in Spanish 6 pointsTexas by 1820?A. Few settlers wanted to move thereB. The land was too rugged.C. The French controlled the area