Document Analysis DBQ

Objective: Students will learn how the Stamp Act affected colonists.
Related benchmarks:
SS.8.A.3.2 Explain American colonial reaction to British policy from 1763 - 1774. .
SS.8.A.3.5 Describe the influence of individuals on social and political developments during the Revolutionary era.
SS.8.A.3.6 Examine the causes, course, and consequences of the American Revolution.

Essential Question/Guiding question
Was it fair for the British to tax the colonists? Why or why not?

Task Directions

Today you will look at documents (sources) to determine how the Stamp Act impacted the colonists.

For this assignment, you will read one document at a time and answer text-dependent questions.

Documents on the Stamp Act

Document A—The Stamp Act (excerpts) passed by Parliament on March 22, 1765
AN ACT for granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other duties, in the British colonies and plantations in America, towards further defraying (to pay) the expenses of defending, protecting, and securing the same; and for amending such parts of the several acts of parliament relating to the trade and revenues of the said colonies and plantations, . . .
For every . . . sheet or piece of paper, on which shall be . . . written, or printed:

Item taxed Amount of Tax
. . . any . . . pleading in any court. . . . 3 pence
. . . any copy of any will. . . . 6 pence
. . . any . . . certificate of any degree taken in any university, academy, college, or seminary of learning. . . 2 pounds
. . . any . . . deed. . . . 3 pence
. . . any pleading in an admiralty court 1 shilling
. . . bill of lading (document used to transport goods) to be signed for goods exported 4 pence
. . . And for and upon every pack of playing cards, 1 shillings
and all pair of dice. . . . 10 shillings
. . . And for and upon every paper, commonly called a pamphlet, and upon every newspaper. . . .
(Varied depending upon the number of pages) ½ to less than full sheet ½ pence
1-6 sheets would be 1 shilling per sheet
. . . For every advertisement to be contained in any . . . newspaper . . . 2 shillings
. . . For every . . . calendar or almanac . . .
(Depended on how often it was printed) 4 pence
**Note: 1 pound equals about $200 today/20 shillings equals a pound/1 shilling would equal about $10.00/12 pence equals 1 shilling/1 pence equals about 80 cents

Document A Analysis—remember to paraphrase from the documents
1. What is the source of the document? Is it a primary or secondary source? Explain.

2. What was the purpose of the Stamp Act, according to the document?

3. A colonist purchased a pair of dice, a 4 page newspaper, and placed an ad to sell a product in a newspaper. How much in today’s money would that have cost?

Document B: Taxation in Colonial America by Alvin Rabushka

Year National Debt Government Revenue Government Spending
1739 £46,954,623 £5,820,000 £5,210,000
1748 £78,293,313 £7,199,000 £11,943,000
1755 £74,571,849 £6,938,000 £7,119,000
1762 £146,682,844 £9,459,000 £20,040,000
1775 £135,943,051 £11,112,000 £10,365,000
Source: Alvin Rabushka, Taxation in Colonial America, 725. Princeton University Press, 2008.

Alvin Rabushka is the David and Joan Traitel Senior Fellow (emeritus) at the Hoover Institution. He is an expert on taxation. His books and articles on the flat tax, with Hoover fellow Robert Hall, have provided the foundation for numerous tax reform bills. His book Taxation in Colonial America released by (Princeton University Press, 2008), won the Fraunces Tavern Museum Special Recognition Book Award in 2009.

British debt doubled as a result of the French and Indian War. The annual cost of maintaining the British army in the thirteen colonies before the war was £13,000. The additional 15 battalions (large number of troops) in North America after the war increased the cost to £220,000. Interest on the debt was £4.4 million per year so just paying the interest concerned King George III and Parliament. The colonies opposed paying for their own defense so Parliament passed a tax to raise revenue to make the colonists provide for their common defense. The tax was called the Stamp Act because it required a stamp to be placed on all printed materials purchased throughout the thirteen colonies. The total amount intended to be raised by the new tax was £60,000 per year, this is not even 20% of the total amount required to maintain the troops.

Document B Analysis—Study the chart and reading to answer the questions. Remember to paraphrase.
1. What is the source of the document? Is it a primary or secondary source? Explain.

2. How did the French and Indian War impact British debt?

3. What was the exact difference in pounds in the debt between 1755 and 1762?

4. How much did it cost to keep British troops in the colonies after the war?


Answer 1


The defeat of the British at the Battle of Fort Duquesne sparked the French and Indian War. The British attacked the French trading fort known as Fort Duquesne on September 14, 1758 (not 1755). This fort, and others, had been constructed in 1754 by the French in the Ohio River Valley as part of their strategy to expand their profitable fur trade, which was based in present-day Canada. The British, however, objected to this usurpation of what they considered was their territory, and, as a result, the Prime Minister, William Pitt, sent General John Forbes and 6,000 soldiers to gain control of the fort. During a reconnaissance mission, Major James Grant and his soldiers tried to attack the fort, but they were defeated by the French and his Indian allies. Aware of their numerical disadvantage, the French decided to retreat, not without burning Fort Duquesne first. Once they eventually left the Ohio Valley, the British built Fort Pitt on the site.


Answer 2


For questions about Document A, here are the answers


1. What is the source of the document?  Is it a primary or secondary source? Explain.

Well, since it was taken FROM the official Stamp Act document it’s a primary source. You know this piece of text is taken from the document because it’s labeled as an “excerpt” at the top.

2. What was the purpose of the Stamp Act, according to the document?

The Stamp Act was “AN ACT for granting and applying certain stamp duties”.

3.  A colonist purchased a pair of dice, a 4-page newspaper, and placed an ad to sell a product in a newspaper. How much in today’s money would that have cost?

You can purchase the following items at these prices. A pair of 6-sided dice 19mm would cost you roughly $8.65. A 4-page newspaper usually goes for around $1.00. Lastly, the most expensive of the purchases would be an ad in the newspaper which costs roughly $12 per inch of newspaper used, meaning that a normal 4-inch by 4-inch ad would cost you $192.00. Assuming that this is exactly what you bought you would end up paying a total of 8.65 + 1.00 + 192.00 = $201.65  

Related Questions

What is nationalism? What are some of the negative aspects of nationalism?



Nationlism- It is were there people who believe in one thing verses another ethnic group

The seperation between others who believe in a different religon or ethnic beliefs.

Nationalism is a patriotic feeling, principles or efforts. Some negative out comes leads to conflict with others, infringes on rights of others, creates xenophobia which is the fear that some one will take them over.

what were the obstacles that african americans faced to voting​


There were literacy tests that African Americans had to take to prove that they could read/write

Answer: - poll taxes (Money you had to pay to vote(the African Americans where poor)

- grandfather clause (You could vote only if our grandfather could vote(the Africa Americans could not vote because they were the first generation out of slavery)

- literacy tests (You could only vote if you took a test(in slavery the Africa Americas were not taught to read or wright)


Plz help!!
A) Choose ONE of the events listed below to represent the emergence of an American identity. Explain your choice, and
provide at least ONE piece of evidence to support your explanation.
• The end of the French and Indian War in 1763
The ratification of the US Constitution in 1788
• The end of the War of 1812 in 1814
B) Contrast your choice with ONE of the other options, demonstrating why that option is not as good as your choice.

Plz help!!!!!



A) The end of the War of 1812 in 1814 helped confirm American independence and strengthened nationalism

B)The ratification of the US Constitution in 1788 is not as adequate of an example of the creation of an American identity as the end of the War of 1812 in 1814.


Beating the British not once, but twice helped the Americans gain confidence in themselves as a nation. It also helped prove to other nations that they were strong and self-sufficient The war rallied people together, especially when the British destroyed American property.White House was burned, it made people angry.

The approval of a legal document doesn’t have quite the same effect as a victory in war. reached and effected a broader range of people than the ratification of the constitution. was ratified by only 38 people, not the country as a whole. American citizens were able to have firsthand experience with the war, allowing it to have a bigger influence

who created the first map of texas​



Stephen F. Austin's


He was the first to create the map of texas.

Answer: Steph F Austin

“ The first meaningful map of Texas “

How did geography affect the movement of people, goods, and ideas in ancient East Asia?
O It promoted exchange with other civilizations.
It led to expanding territories to the west beyond the Himalayas.
It made East Asia vulnerable to invasion from other civilizations.
It kept trade and cultural exchange mostly among groups within China.



Answer is D



d because its right on edg


jeannie pays a carpenter 5000 to put a new roof on her house



Thats nice whats the rest of the question bub?





It goes highest to lowest I need help



what goes highest to lowest??

2. Why were fish considered a secret symbol for Christians in the Roman Empire?
Your answer


Your answer is right there ^

No single great material work which remains to be undertaken on
this continent is of such consequence to the American people as
the building of a canal across the Isthmus connecting North and
South America. Its importance to the Nation is by no means limited
merely to its material effects upon our business prosperity...
-President Theodore Roosevelt
Roosevelt knew that one of the largest impacts of the project mentioned above was –
O to give the U.S. control of Spain's colonies.
to eliminate terrorism based on South America.
O to allow the U.S. to influence world trade.
O to begin U.S. control over the economies of Latin America.





I pretty sure it’s C

who is and what did Samuel Adams do in 3-4 sentences?



Samuel Adams was an American statesman, political philosopher, and one of the Founding Fathers of the united states.

political theorist who protested British taxation without representation, uniting the American colonies in the fight for independence during the revolutionary war

i hope it is helpful:)

What are the 1st amendment techniques?



The words of the First Amendment itself establish six rights: (1) the right to be free from governmental establishment of religion (the “Establishment Clause”), (2) the right to be free from governmental interference with the practice of religion (the “Free Exercise Clause”), (3) the right to free speech, (4) the right. Hope this helps!



The words of the First Amendment itself establish six rights: (1) the right to be free from governmental establishment of religion (the “Establishment Clause”), (2) the right to be free from governmental interference with the practice of religion (the “Free Exercise Clause”), (3) the right to free speech


How was this palace used to legitimze the rule of the French



Luis XIV de Francia (francés: Louis XIV), llamado «el Rey Sol» (le Roi Soleil) o Luis el Grande (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Francia, 5 de septiembre de 1638-Versalles, Francia, 1 de septiembre de 1715), fue rey de Francia y de Navarra1​ desde el 14 de mayo de 1643 hasta su muerte, con 76 años de edad y 72 de reinado.4​ También fue copríncipe de Andorra (1643-1715) y conde rival de Barcelona.

Luis XIV fue el primogénito y sucesor de Luis XIII y de Ana de Austria (hija del rey Felipe III de España). Incrementó el poder e influencia francesa en Europa, combatiendo en tres grandes guerras: la Guerra franco-neerlandesa, la Guerra de los Nueve Años y la Guerra de Sucesión Española. La protección a las artes que ejerció el soberano Luis XIV fue otra faceta de su acción política. Los escritores Moliére y Racine, el músico Lully o el pintor Rigaud resaltaron su gloria, como también las obras de arquitectos y escultores. El nuevo y fastuoso Palacio de Versalles, obra de Luis Le Vau, Charles Le Brun y André Le Nôtre, fue la culminación de esa política. Al trasladar allí la corte (1682), se alejó de la insalubridad y las intrigas de París, y pudo controlar mejor a la nobleza. Versalles fue el escenario perfecto para el despliegue de destacados reyes de la historia francesa. Siendo su reinado el más duradero en la historia, consiguió crear un régimen absolutista y centralizado, hasta el punto que su reinado es considerado el prototipo de la monarquía absoluta en Europa. La frase L'État, c'est moi («El Estado soy yo») se le atribuye frecuentemente, aunque los historiadores la consideran una imprecisión histórica, ya que es más probable que dicha frase fuera forjada por sus enemigos políticos para resaltar la visión estereotipada del absolutismo político que Luis XIV representaba, probablemente surgiendo la cita «El bien del Estado constituye la Gloria del Rey», sacadas de sus Réflexions sur le métier de Roi (1679). En contraposición a esa cita apócrifa, Luis XIV dijo antes de morir: Je m'en vais, mais l'État demeurera toujours («Me marcho, pero el Estado siempre permanecerá»).



Louis XIV | Palace of Versailles


Which of the following are true of the Mid-Atlantic states? You may choose more than one answer. The Pacific Ocean is to the east The states border Lake Ontario and Lake Erie The country of Canada is north of these states The Mid-Atlantic states are located on the east coast of the United States



All of these are incorrect


Mid-Atlantic means in the middle of the ocean, it's implausible.

Why is the statement an opinion? The Mount Vesuvius eruption was one of the worst disasters in human history.



because its subjective





Arrange the following battles in chronological order.
Battle of Trenton
Battle of Yorktown
Battle of Lexington and Concord
Battle of New York
Battle of Bunker Hill
Battle of Saratoga


Battle of Lexington and Concord (April 17, 1775)

Battle of Bunker Hill (June 17, 1775)

Battle of New York (July 3, 1776)

Battle of Trenton (December 26, 1776)

Battle of Saratoga (September 19, 1777

Battle of Yorktown (September 28 - October 19, 1781)


Battle of Lexington and Concord (April 17, 1775)

Battle of Bunker Hill (June 17, 1775)

Battle of New York (July 3, 1776)

Battle of Trenton (December 26, 1776)

Battle of Saratoga (September 19, 1777

Battle of Yorktown (September 28 - October 19, 1781)


6. What fort did Washington build in
his attempt to take Fort Duquesne?



Fort Pitt


i hope this is the answer and that i am helpful to you

The fort Washington constructed in his effort to capture Fort Duquesne is  Fort Necessity.

What is Fort Duquesne?

Fort Duquesne was a French fort built in 1754 at the junction of the Allegheny and Monongahela streams. It was then seized over by the British, and then by the Americans, and became Pittsburgh in the United States state of Pennsylvania.

The British made many early efforts to seize Fort Duquesne, but all of them unsuccessful. A youthful Major George Washington led 300 Inhabitants to the fort in 1754. They attacked an encampment of around 30 Frenchmen, but instead of continuing on, Washington directed his troops to construct Fort Necessity, an alternative fort.

Learn more about Fort Duquesne here:


What does B G R E F stand for?

(It has to do with history)



British Group Realty Corporation


Concerning the land bridge theory which of the following statements are true? select all that apply. A. it is a native american theory. B. it is a scientific theory. C. it tells the story of coyote the trickster. D. it offers an explanation of how washingtons first people came to be here. E. it offers an explanation of when washingtons first people came to be here. F. it describes a time when sea levels were much higher than they are now.


Answer: I want to believe that it is B, and F


Brainliest? if not, then srry have a good day or night :)

who is called the "father of georgia"​



James Edward Oglethorpe

How did nomadic American Indian tribes meet their basic needs for food and shelter?
A Farming and Ranching
B. Hunting and Gathering
Alliances and Trading
Reliance on European Explorers




Between the Virginia and New Jersey Plan, what does each plan reveal about the state that proposed it?

A. Virginia's population was larger than New Jersey's.

B. Unlike Virginians, people of New Jersey valued social equality.

C. New Jersey's population was larger than Virginia's.

D. Both Virginia and New Jersey had large populations.​


Answer: A

Hundreds of years ago, Virginia had more people than New Jersey. At one point in the Revolutionary Times, Virginia had the largest population.

So, the answer should be A.

Hope this helps you!

Answer: A.

Explanation: The Virginia plan favored larger states. This shows that Virginia's population was larger. Hope this helped. :)

When a federal judge in Hawaii struck down President Donald Trump's executive order banning citizens of certain countries from entering the United States, was it an example of judicial activism? Explain your answer.



It was Joseph William Woodrough. It was definitely an example of judical activism because he did it unfairly.


When a federal judge in Hawaii overturned President Donald Trump's executive order barring nationals of a number of nations from entering the country. In this case, judicial activism was evident.

What is judicial activism?

The term "judicial activism" refers to a tactic for leveraging the legal system or a description of a particular judicial decision in which the judge was deemed to be more likely to rule on constitutional issues and to invalidate legislative or executive actions.

Judicial activism has a significant impact on how social policy is developed on issues such as defending individual rights, civil rights, public morality, and political injustice. Judicial restraint controls the three branches of government: the judiciary, executive, and legislative.

Learn more about judicial activism here:


Which of the following was a condition of the Compromise of 1850?

A. Mexico would be admitted as a slave state.

B. Jefferson Davis would be President of the United States.

C. The Fugitive Slave Act was enforced.

D. All enslaved persons were set free.​


C the fugitive act was enforced




Most people in Southwest Asia outside of Iran are in which group?



C i think


hope this helped!

p.s it would be cool if you gave me brainliest.


C. Arab


I believe Arabia is a very popular large group in Southwest Asia.

Who made up a large number of the first settlers in Georgia



Colonial settlers of Georgia generally came from the Carolinas, from Virginia, or directly from England and Scotland. The first large group of immigrants came from the British Isles to the Savannah area with James Oglethorpe in 1733.

select the causes of the ongoing war between Israel and HAMAS​



The conflict originated with the election of the islamist political party Hamas in 2005 and 2006 in the Gaza Strip and escalated with the split of the Palestinian Authority Palestinian government into the Fatah Government in the West Bank and the Hamas Government in Gaza and the following violent ousting of Fatah after Fatah lost the election to Hamas I hope you got it please follow me

Brunei art description​



Brunei's art includes paintings, jewelry, and clothing.


Did the prophecy for Abraham come true? How?


yes it came true because of the amendments

Yes, the prophecy for Abraham came true. God promised him 3 things: The covenant between Abraham and God consisted of three separate parts: the promised land. the promise of the descendants. the promise of blessing and redemption.

A state's taxes are determined by

its governor and the US government.
its legislature and comptroller.
its governor and voters.
its legislature and voters.


A state income tax is a direct tax imposed on your earnings by the state. What you make in or from the state is your income. It could mean all of your money earned anywhere in your state of residence.

State income tax, like federal income tax, is self-assessed, meaning people must file needed state tax returns.

So, option A is the correct option.

The other Options are incorrect as:

Option B is incorrect as, In the United States, a comptroller is a high-ranking executive who controls an organization's accounting and financial reporting systems. All accounting, including accounts receivable, payroll, and loan transactions, is overseen by the comptroller.

Option C is incorrect as voters are the ones to decide who is the next prime minister, not the one who determines taxes.

Option D is incorrect as voters are the ones to decide who is the next prime minister, not the one who determines taxes.

Thus Option A is the correct Option for states taxes to be determined.

For more information about states taxes refer to the link:


B its legislature and comptroller.


Easy 15 points and a brainly to the first one that answer
Answer in one paragraph.

What are the factors that are the most important in convincing the 55 delegates to make a change to the Articles of Confederation?



i just answered this

Answer:The Articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government, leaving most of the power with the state governments. The need for a stronger Federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Explanation:Although the 55 Delegates Knew the country needed a stronger federal government, they feared that a republic could not serve a nation as large as the US...But they knew incase of national emergencies and etc. they needed to make a change.

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