Entoure la forme verbale correcte: Tu beneficirais d'une reduction si tu prenais / prends plusieurs articles. Nous irons en vacances si tu obtiendras / obtiens ton permis a conduire. Annonce tes collegues si tu peux / pourras sortir. Nous vous aurions invites si la fete avait eu / avait lieu. Je ne crois pas que vous lui donnez / donniez les infos. Elle espere que vous partez / partiez ensemble. Il est bon que tu lises / lis davantage. Il est probable qu'il soit / est (ret) ard. Elle veut que vous partez / partiez ensemble. Il este necessaire que vous lisiez / lisez davantage. Il espere que vous arrivez / arriviez a temps


Answer 1


Tu bénéficierais d'une réduction si tu prenais  plusieurs articles.

Nous irons en vacances si tu obtiens ton permis de conduire.

Annonce à  tes collègues si tu peux sortir.

Nous vous aurions invites si la fête avait eu  lieu.

Je ne crois pas que vous lui  donniez les infos.

Elle espère que vous partiez ensemble.

Il est bon que tu lises davantage.

Il est probable qu'il soit en  ret ard.

Elle veut que vous partiez ensemble.

Il est nécessaire que vous lisiez  davantage.

Il espère que vous  arriviez à temps

Answer 2



1. Tu bénéficierais d'une réduction si tu prenais plusieurs articles.

2. Nous irons en vacances si tu obtiens ton permis de conduire.

3. Annonce à  tes collègues si tu peux sortir.

4. Nous vous aurions invités si la fête avait eu lieu.

5. Je ne crois pas que vous lui donniez les infos.

6. Elle espère que vous partiez ensemble.

7. Il est bon que tu lises davantage.

8. Il est probable qu'il soit en re//tard.

9. Elle veut que vous partiez ensemble.

10. Il est nécessaire que vous lisiez davantage.

11. Il espère que vous arriviez à temps.

Related Questions

Which of the following is not contagious



I guess your question isn't complete at all.


Complete the sentence in order for us to answer it for you bud :)

Aurélien parle de ses projets (plans) et des projets de sa famille et de ses amis. Mettez les verbes au futur.

in pic:


1. Quand je serais à l'université, ma soeur et moi habiterons ensemble.

When I'll be in college, my sister and me will live together.

2. Quand ma soeur étudiera plus elle réussira.

When my sister will study more she will succeed

4. Qand mes parents seront à la retraite j'emprunterai pour mes études

When my parents will be on retirement, I'll borrow for my studies.

5. Dès que vous finirez vos études vous contacterez *les employeurs.

As soon as you (it's the plural of you) will finish your studies, you will contact employers.

6. Quand tu travailleras tu achéteras une voiture.

When you'll work, you'll buy a car.

7. Quand nous aurons trouvé *un nouveau travail nous ne lirons plus les annonces.

When we will find a new job, we won't reading no more want ads.

(I don't know if this sentence is really english, I'm french... sorry).

Things you could say to your teacher:

*he/she forgot "les" and "un" in his/her sentences.

- Aurélien seems to be a french name, so we're talking about a guy who live in France, right? So why do he have to borrow money from the bank to pay he's studies, since french schools and colleges are almost free.

Unless is studying somewhere else, but it's pretty rare. In conclusion, the sentence is not really realistic.

Dans ce numéro, Aurélien parle de ses projets (plans) et des projets de sa famille et de ses amis. On met les verbes au futur.

Aurélien parle de ses projets

Quand j'irai à l'université, ma sœur et moi vivrons ensemble.Quand ma soeur a étudié plus il pouvait.Quand mes parents prennent leur retraite, j'emprunte pour payer mes études.Dès que vous aurez terminé vos études, vous contacterez des employeurs.Quand tu travailles tu achètes une voitureQuand nous trouvons un nouvel emploi, veuillez lire les annonces

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in brainly.com/question/20250104


French DBA 6
Consider the following sentence in French: Nous les avons achetées.

Identify and explain the Direct Object pronoun. What do you think it is replacing and why?

Qu’est que tu vas mettre pour aller en ville?

In French, use several sentences to talk about what you will wear using the verbs such as ALLER and METTRE. Incorporate some idiomatic phrases you have learned.

Qu'est-ce qui est très important pour toi quand tu fais du shopping? Le prix? La mode? Pourquoi ?

In French, use vocabulary from the lessons to describe a shopping trip you could take in the European Union. Tell me what countries you will travel to, the transportation you will use and what you will buy



village / In ville ? La fête traditionnelle que les habitants célèbrent. La langue que les habitants parlent. Comment sont les habitants



Ummmmm I don’t know French




J'écris une carte de voeux   à mes grands-parents.

Les Hébert vendent leur maison aux parents de Martin.

Notre chien apporte le journal aux filles.

Je vais demander de l'argent à mon père.




 Oui, je le prends.

Oui, je les invite.

Non,je ne les achète pas souvent.

Oui, je l'attends.

C'est moi qui l'a fait.

3. Ames amis ____ (croire) que je dors.

4. IIs _____ (apercevoir) le facteur au coin (corner) de la rue.





3. Mes amis __croient __ (croire) que je dors.

4. IIs ___aperçoivent __ (apercevoir) le facteur au coin (corner) de la rue.

Donnez la forme correcte du verbe au conditionnel.


1. Seriez
2. Apprécierais
3. Aimeraient

need answers asap will give brainliest!!!!



avoir conjugations:

j' AI

tu AS

il A

elle A

on A

nous AVONS

vous AVEZ

ils ONT

elles ONT

For the expression, just memorize the conjugations of avoir and use the expressions in correct format.

Example: i want to go to the beach

j'ai envie d'aller a la plage

for clothing, look up french clothing vocabulary and go through the words you have learned and try to look at the gender of them. for example, UNE jupe is female, and male clothes are UN. multiple is LES.

colors are the same principle as clothes you should just do some research

good luck/ bonne chance!!

Please help This due by 11:59







avons ouvert



a ouvert

avez découvert

j'ai découvert

il a seize ans

lui or elle






Il a seize ans

C’est LUI

byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<33

French DBA 7
In French, respond to the following using an indirect object pronoun:
❏ Charles parle à sa mère?

❏ Explain the location of the indirect object in your response.

Replace with an object pronoun:
❏ Je vais au café.

❏ Il veut des frites.

Explain a base root verb and identify the pattern it follows. Provide an example

In French, respond to the following question using the vocabulary from the lessons about emotions:
❏ Comment vous sentez-vous quand vous avez beaucoup de choses à faire et plusieurs examens?

In French, respond to the following questions using the vocabulary from the lessons about emotions and holidays.
❏ Comment vous sentez-vous quand vous avez un jour de congé et une fête à célébrer ? Quelle fête française ou canadienne préférez-vous ? Pourquoi ?

C’est le 6 janvier. C'est quelle fête en France ? Comment est-ce qu'on la célèbre ?



1. Charles "lui" parle.

2. J'y vais.

3. Il en  veut.

4. Quand j'ai beaucoup de choses à faire et plusieurs examens je me sens stressé/e.

5.Quand j'ai un jour de congé et une fête à célébrer je me sens heureuse.

La fête française que je préfère est Pâques car je trouve très rigolo de devoir cacher des oeufs en chocolat dans les jardins.

6. Le 6 janvier c'est l'Ephiphanie.

On partage en famille une brioche qui s'appelle "la galette des rois" dans laquelle il y a une fève, celui ou celle qui a la part ou la fève est cachée sera le roi ou la reine du jour, puis on lui dépose une couronne en papier sur la tête.

Conjugate être for the subject given.
O es
O sont






O sont

Je suis
Tu es
Il est
Nous sommes
Vous êtes
Ils sont







3 -> vous

4 -> lui

What is the "Tamure"? a local bird a style of music a local food a local kind of dance



it is a local kind of dance.


D.  a local kind of dance


that's just what the word means:) have a good day!!

French DBA 9
Quel est ton animal marin préféré?

Préfères-tu la mer ou la forêt tropicale ?

In English, use information from the lessons to explain ‘le savoir-vivre’ and provide several examples.

Explain how to form and when to use the future simple.

Do you find this easier or more difficult to form than other tenses. Why?

In French, use the vocabulary from the lessons and the future simple to respond to the following question. Be prepared to answer a follow up question from your instructor.
❏ Où iras-tu en vacances cet été?

❏ Qu’est-ce que tu feras le week-end prochain?



1. Mon animal marin préférée est la baleine.

Où iras-tu en vacances cet été ?

Cet été j'irai à la mer.

Qu'est-ce que tu feras le week-end prochain ?

Le week-end prochain j'irai voir mes grands-parents.

HELELLP, fill in the black plz. Complete the sentence by writing the corresponding complementary object pronoun.

Regardez-vous la télévision ? Oui, nous_____
regardons souvent.





Oui, nous  la regardons souvent.

. Mettez les verbes.
1. Je ……… (finir) la leçon.
2. Manuel ……… (choisir) un livre.
3. Tu ……….. (finir ) le devoir.
4. L'enfant ……… ( grandir) très vite.



Je finis la leçon. Manuel choisit un livre.Tu finis le devoir.L'enfant grandit très vite.

French DBA 10
In French, respond to the following question :
❏ Dans ta famille, vous souriez et riez souvent ?

In French, fill in the blank below using the nationality related vocabulary you have learned in this module:
❏ Marie Antoinette était de France, elle était ____

❏ Ton cousin est d’Espagne, il est ____

In English explain the difference between “un portable” and un “ordinateur portable”.

Explain, in English, the Conditionnel tense. How is it formed and when is it used?

In French, respond to the following question using the conditionnel tense and the vocabulary you have learned in this course:
❏ Si tu pouvais voyager où tu veux, où est-ce que tu irais ?

Quelle personne importante française aimerais-tu rencontrer? Pourquoi ?

Si tu gagnais à la loto, qu’est-ce que tu ferais? Pourquoi ?



Oui, dans ma famille on rit et on sourit souvent.

Elle était française.

Ton cousin est d'Espagne, il est espagnol.


Non, dans ma famille on sourit peu.

Marie-Antoinette était "l'Autrichienne", donc....


Cellphone versus laptop computer.

Si je pouvais voyager n'importe où, j'irais en Italie car c'est un pays magnifique.

Je ne sais pas quelle personne importante française j'aimerais rencontrer.

Je chercherais à faire un don de cette somme à quelqu'un dans le besoin.


There are two verbs that we use when talking and describing sports, games and musical instruments in FRENCH. Please, tell me and explain all the differences between "jouer" and "faire" in French. Please, give two examples of sports for each verb that we "jouer" and "faire."



Le verbe JOUER

Le verbe JOUER est utilisé pour parler des sports d’équipe (souvent avec une balle ou un ballon), des jeux et des instruments de musique.


-The verb JOUER is use to talk team sports ( sometimes with a ball ) , games and musical instruments.

JOUER à + les sports d’équipe (ils jouent au tennis)
JOUER du + instrument de musique (vous jouez de la trompette)
JOUER à + jeux (elle joue au poker)


JOUER à + team sports ( they play tennis )
JOUER du + musical instrument ( you play the trumpet )
JOUER à + games ( she plays poker )

Examples IN FRENCH :

1. Les sports avec un ballon :
Je joue : au football ⚽️, au basketball , au handball ‍♂️, au rugby , au volley , au bowling , …

2. Les sports avec une balle :

Je joue : au golf ️, au tennis , au badminton , au tennis de table (= ping-pong) , au baseball ⚾️, …

3. Les jeux :

Je joue : aux jeux vidéo , aux cartes , aux échecs ♞, au Monopoly , aux fléchettes , …

4. La musique :

Je joue : de la guitare , du piano , de la trompette , du violon , du saxophone , …

The verb FAIRE :

Le verbe FAIRE est plus polyvalent : on peut l’utiliser pour tous les sports ainsi que pour la musique (mais on ne l’utilise pas pour les jeux).

The verb FAIRE is more versatile : we can use for all sports and for the music ( but we don’t use it for games )


FAIRE + tous les sports (je fais du basketball)
FAIRE + instrument de musique (nous faisons du piano)
FAIRE + tâches ménagères (tu fais la vaisselle)


FAIRE + all sports ( I do basketball )
FAIRE + musical instrument ( we do piano )
FAIRE + houseworks ( you do the dishes )


✔︎ CORRECT : Je peux dire : “Je joue au tennis” ou “Je fais du tennis” ⎜ “Je joue de la guitare” ou “Je fais de la guitare”

✘ WRONG : Je ne peux pas dire : “Je fais des jeux vidéo” ou “Je fais du poker” → ce sont des jeux ( because it’s games )

Le verbe FAIRE s’utilise pour les activités de la vie quotidienne et pour les sports (qui ne sont pas des jeux).

The verb FAIRE is use for the daily activities and for sports ( that aren’t games )

Examples IN FRENCH :

1. Les sports : ( sports )
Je fais : du ski ⛷, de la boxe , de la natation , du judo , de la musculation , du vélo , …

2. Les tâches ménagères : ( houseworks )

Je fais : la vaisselle, le ménage, la poussière, le linge , les courses, …



Need answers for the blank





Tu aperçois la boîte aux lettres devant la mairie.

Nous ne voyons pas le distributeur automatique.

Je crois que la poste se trouve en face du commissariat de police.

Vous ne voyez pas que la banque est fermée?

On croit que vous pouvez payer par chèque au bureau de poste.

Appoline et Fouad ne reçoivent pas  les e-mails de l'association des lycéens .

Le marchand de journaux ne voit pas  les pièces de monnaie.

Tu crois que la laverie est ouverte le dimanche?

Dans cette question, nous allons ordonner les mots pour former des phrases.

In this question, we are going to order the words to form sentences.

Ordonner les mots

Voyez-vous la boîte aux lettres devant la mairie?Nous ne voyons pas le distributeur automatiqueJe crois que le bureau de poste est en face du commissariatTu ne vois pas que la banque est ferméeNous pensons que vous pouvez payer par chèque à la posteApolline et foud ne reçoivent pas les mails de l'association du lycéeLe marchand de journaux ne voit pas les piècesPensez-vous que la laverie est ouverte le dimanche ?

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in brainly.com/question/20250104

Analysez les phrases et choisissez celles qui sont vraies(click all that aply. multiple choice)

a,PACS is an acronym for Pacte Civil de Solidarité.

b.Une famille monoparentale consists of two parents and one or more children.

c.The average age for French couples to marry is 25 years old.

d.The traditional familial structure with two married parents and one or more children still exists in France.

e.On average, French families have two children.



a,PACS is an acronym for Pacte Civil de Solidarité.


b.Une famille monoparentale consists of two parents and one or more children.

faux, un seul parent

c.The average age for French couples to marry is 25 years old.

Faux: 18 ans

d.The traditional familial structure with two married parents and one or more children still exists in France.


e.On average, French families have two children.











1. b
2. a
3. b
4. c

Please help me with my French work





auraient eu

aurions gagné

serait devenu

serait allé

se seraient disputés

J'aurais quitté

PLZ HELP 50 POINTS!!! Victor Hugo (Feb. 26, 1802-May 22, 1885) was a French poet, playwright, novelist, statesman, human activist and possibly the most influential writer of the Romantic Movement in France.

Hugo is sometimes called the greatest poet. His best-known works outside France are the novels Les Misérables and Notre-Dame de Paris (translated in English as “The Hunchback of Notre Dame).

Victor Hugo is thought by many as the best poet of French romanticism (a style in the 1800’s that emphasized a free form of writing, expressed strong emotions and experiences of the common people). He had such an incredible talent that it was easy for him to produce a lot of plays, poems and novels.

His work touches upon most of the political and social issues of his time. He was a fervent defender of freedom, social injustice and freedom of the press and spoke against the death penalty.

When Louis Napoléon (Napoléon III) seized complete power in 1851 and established an anti-parliamentary constitution, Hugo openly declared him a traitor to France. Fearing for his life, he fled to Brussels, then the channel island of Jersey and finally settled with his family on the island of Guernsey where he lived in exile until 1870.

He was able to convince the government of Queen Victoria to spare the lives of six Irish people convicted of terrorist activities and his influence was credited in the elimination of the death penalty from the constitutions of Geneva, Portugal and Columbia.

His writing had a deep impact on others writers. His humanism inspired the Russian writer Tolstoy in particular.

He had a great love and compassion for children as reflected in a lot of his works.

Eventhough Napoleon III granted amnesty to all political exiles in 1859, Hugo declined, as it meant he would have had to reduce his criticisms of the government. It was only after Napoléon III fell from power and the Third Republic was proclaimed that Hugo decided to return to his homeland in 1870, where he was elected to the National Assembly and the Senate.

Victor Hugo’s death on 22 May 1885, at the age of 83, brought intense national mourning. He was not only revered in French literature but was also internationally recognized as a statesman who had helped preserve and shape the Third Republic and democracy in France. More than two million people followed his funeral procession in Paris from the Arc de Triomphe to the Panthéon where he was buried. He shares a crypt with two other great French writers Alexandre Dumas and Emile Zola.

Now that you have read Victor Hugo's short biography, read one of his poem below and think about its meaning. Then write 2 paragraphs in English in the box provided.

In the first paragraph, tell your teacher what you think about Victor Hugo and his influence in the world.

In the second paragraph give your opinion of the poem. Make sure the words are yours. The paragraphs should have at least 5 sentences each.

This English translation of "The Poor Children" was composed by Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909).

*You may use outside sources (Internet, books, magazines, etc.) to gather information for this assignment. However, be sure not to copy the information directly from those sources. Copying information and presenting it as your own work is considered plagiarism and will result in a failing grade. You will need to rephrase the information into your own words and cite the source of the information you used.


hi I hope you’re having a good day :)
Is their a certain length this needs to be?




6. crois ...
7. croit ...
8. paraît ..
9. cru ..
10. croient ..
11. paraissent ...
12. paraissent ...
13. Croyez-vous...
14. croyons ( not sure )
15. parut ( not sure )

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<333




I don't know because I'm a noob



1-à Sophie

2-à mes parents

3-à Jean Luc

4- aux élèves

5-à Mylène et à François

6-aux enfants

Best guess.

Décrivez quelque chose dans votre vie qui a augmenté votre estime de vous-même parce que vous pouviez
ne le faites pas au début, mais avec un travail acharné, vous l'avez accompli.



Il y a deux, j'étais en classe de terminale, au lycée, je devais passer mon BAC S en juin. Malheureusement au mois de février j'ai été malade et j'ai loupé quatre mois de cours. Je pensais échouer à mon examen. Je n'ai rien lachée, j'ai été courageuse, j'ai beaucoup travaillé mes cours chez moi,  Je me suis débrouillée et en juin quand j'ai passé mon BAC S , je l'ai obtenu avec mention "bien".  




Je doute que ce marchand de journaux ait cette  revue.

Je ne pense pas que cet article soit bien écrit.

je pense qu'il serait possible que Marc vienne jouer au tennis avec nous.

Il se pourrait que ce livre paraisse cet été.

Je doute que tu aimes ce livre .





Ok so what do you need help with what part


Ludovic va lui envoyer un bouquet de fleurs

Je leur souhaite la bonne année

Maman va lui donner à mon petit frère ( not sure )

Tu vas lui donner la robe bleue ?

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<333
Other Questions
Use the spinner to find the theoretical probability of the event.The theoretical probability of spinning a multiple of 2 is Find the size of the of angle x. Which of the following statements about the use of synthetic polynucleotides in cracking the genetic code is true?a) Particular codons are generated in predictable ratios with random RNA polymers containing specific ratios of different nucleotides.b) Poly(A) RNA directs the synthesis of only polylysine in vitro.c) Three different amino acids are incorporated into peptides when synthetic polymers of only one nucleotide are used to synthesize the RNA primer.d) The codon table was completed by using RNA polymers of defined sequences. Determine the force exerted by two particles that have a charge of +0.35 Coulombs each and are 1 meter apart NWU TIL VILOYuu. 2.You would have seen my garden at its best if you (be) here last week. 3. I shouldn't have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes. 4. If he had asked you, you (accept)? 5. If I (know) that you were coming, I'd have baked a cake. 6. If I (had) a map, I would have been all right. 7. The hens (not get) into the house if you had shut the door. 8. If he had known that the river was dangerous, he (not try) to swim across 9. If you (speak) more slowly, he might have understood you. so angry. 10. If he had known the . If you had left that wasp alone, it (not sting) 13. If I realize) what a bad driver you were, I wouldn't have come with you. 14. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I (stop) Which of the following would eat a hamburger with lettuce on it? Omnivore DetritivoreHerbivore Carnivore How did the mansabdar system encourage loyalty in the Mughal Empire?It offered high salaries and status opportunities to all groups.It enforced unity through military strength.It united different groups in the empire through the threat of a common enemy.It trained leaders in Akbars personal military skills. In triangle CAT, points DOG...... describe how insect pollinated flower are adampted to pollination What are the roots that clutch, what branches growOut of this stony rubbish? Son of man,You cannot say, or guess, for you know onlyA heap of broken images, where the sun beats,And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no reliefAnd the dry stone no sound of water.What is the best summary statement of the excerpt?A.The narrator describes his desire to be rich.B.The narrator describes the beauty of nature.C.The narrator describes his sadness after losing a loved one.D.The narrator describes his disappointment with society. In which sentence is the underlined verb in the active voice?My parents painted the house that summer.The house was painted that summer.The house will be painted by my parents.The house had been painted by my parents. Two alternatives for a construction project are being considered. Both projects have a 5-year life. Alternative A's initial cost is $2,260 and yields $355 annually for 5 years. Alternative B initially costs $5500 and yields $1,250 annually for 5 years. The rate of return on the difference between the alternatives is approximately Brittanys Hot Tub. When draining her hot tub, the height of the water in Brittanys hot tub decreases at a rate of 2 inches per minute. After 9 minutes there are 11 inches of water in the tub. Assume that the height is decreasing at a constant rate.a. Write an equation for the height of water left in the tub (h) as a function of the number of the minutes (t) that have elapsed.b. How high is the tub when it is full?c. After how many minutes will the tub be empty?d. What values of the domain, t, make sense? Why?e. What values of the range, h, make sense? Why? How unequal is population across congressional districts? Change from Map view to Table view and sort the districts by size by clicking on the heading for Rate. How much does the population of House districts vary? The smallest district is ______ the largest district. a. two thirds the size of b. three fourths the size of c. half the size of d. almost the same size as Explain if you are bothered by working conditions at Foxconn plants. Do you worry that the production of a phone might have contributed to a death of a worker What is the simplified form of 10,000x64 ?Answers to choose from:5000x^645000x^8100x^8100x^32 Successful differentiation allows a firm to Multiple Choice attract many more buyers by charging a lower price than rivals and thereby take sales and market share away from rivals. command a premium price for its product and/or increase unit sales (because additional buyers are won over by the differentiating features). gain buyer loyalty to its brand (because some buyers are strongly attracted to the differentiating features and bond with the company and its products); and command a premium price for its product and/or increase unit sales (because additional buyers are won over by the differentiating features). gain buyer loyalty to its brand (because some buyers are strongly attracted to the differentiating features and bond with the company and its products). increase unit sales (because additional buyers are won over by the differentiating features) and lower incremental input costs. The population P (in thousands) of a certain city from 2000 through 2014 can be modeled by P = 160.4ekt, where t represents the year, with t = 0 corresponding to 2000. In 2007, the population of the city was about 162,075. Find the k value Read this excerpt from chapter 2 of The Scarlet Letter using comprehension strategies.A blessing on the righteous Colony of the Massachusetts, where iniquity is dragged out into the sunshine!What is the meaning of the word iniquity?wickedness, sinmistakes, errorsbelongings, possessionssolitude, loneliness Which economic theory did some members of the Industrial Workers of the World seek to abolish?a.)capitalismb.)socialismc.)collectivismd.)industrialism