1. "gros"
2. "malades"
3. "bonnes"
4. "triste"
5. "ennuyeux"
6. "grand"
7. "heureuses"
8. "intelligentes"
malades , fatigués
ce sont de bonnes idées
good day
1. David a quel âge? 2. De quelle couleur sont les cheveux de Marie? 3. Elle est comment, Stéphanie? 4. Il s’appelle comment, ton chat? 5. Comment est Antoine?
Here are the translations so that you can understand better.
1. How old is David?
2. What color is Marie's hair?
3. What is she like, Stéphanie?
4. What's your cat's name?
5. How is Antoine?
I wonder if there was any pictures or descriptions. If yes, you can send them to me and I'll help you answer these questions.
Jean-Luc aime
de la musique.
Jean-Luc aime "faire" de la musique.
La fête de la musique
(Select all the endings that apply.)
has free concerts
takes place every year on June 21st
is a music festival
has only professional musicians play
it takes place every year on June 21st
Quels produits du terroir viennent du sud-est de la France ?
Quand nous voyons le film, nous
When we see the movie we
Ecrivez les phrases ci-dessous a futur proche
Write the the phrases here and I might be able to help you.
If you do not know what future proche is, here is an example, "Je vais aller au cinéma. I'm going to go to the cinema."
he Shinkansen, the fastest train in Japan, traveled 75 kilometers in 0.25 hours. What was its speed in kilometers per hour?
300 kilometers per hour
333 kilometers per hour
3,000 kilometers per hour
3,333 kilometers per hour
A. 300 kilometres per hour
It's probably B
How can I ask any one how old are you in frensh
quel âge avez-vous
lol you guys know aboout google??you could simply check it out from there..
How old are you ?
Polite you ► Quel âge avez-vous ?
Casual you ► Quel âge as-tu ?
"vous" (formal "you) is used to someone you don't know, elderly person, boss...
"tu" (informal you, 2nd person sing) is used to friends, family, children....
hope this helps ☺☺☺
Need Help with French homework.
Instructions Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb être.
Jean-François _ à l'école.
Ils _ en vacances.
Je _ de Bordeaux.
Il _ deux heures et demie.
Daniel et Thomas _ à l'hôpital.
Elle _ chez elle.
Vous _ en re*ard. (It has a t where it is blocked since this site doesn't understand French)
Jean-François "est" à l'école.
Ils "sont" en vacances.
Je "suis" de Bordeaux.
Il "est" deux heures et demie.
Daniel et Thomas "sont" à l'hôpital.
Elle "est"chez elle.
Vous "êtes" en re*ard.
Verbe "être" au présent :
je suis
tu es
il,elle, on est (Jean-François = il)
nous sommes
vous êtes
ils,elles sont (Daniel et Thomas = ilS)
What is an authentic french accent and how can you develop one ?
You start speaking their language, and they respond to you in English.
I call this phenomenon the Switch.
Even Mark Twain experienced the Switch.
After traveling abroad, he brilliantly summarized his linguistic frustrations — ones any French learner has felt before.
He wrote, “in Paris they just simply opened their eyes and stared when we spoke to them in French! We never did succeed in making those idiots understand their own language.”
If you’ve ever traveled to a French speaking region, you’ve very likely had a similar experience.
2 Mettez les verbes au passé composé (attention aux verbes transitifs) 1 Pierre _____ (sortir) le chien.
2 Vous ______ (entrer) par la porte de derrière.
3 Mon frère _______ (passer) une bonne journée.
4 Nous _______ (sortir) avec des amis.
5 Pierre _______ (rentrer) tôt.
6 Il __________ ( entrer) avec moi.
7 Jacques _______ (retourner) le livre à la bibliothèque.
8 Paul et Marie _______ (rentrer) le linge.
9 Je _____________ (retourner) la crêpe dans la poêle.
10 Je ____________ (rentrer) la voiture dans le garage.
only valid answers please... other answers will be reported
Answer: this answers should be inserted on the line
1. est sorti
2. etes entré(e)
3. a passé
4. sommes sortis
5. est rentré
6. est entré
7. est retourné
8. sont rentrés
9. suis retourné(e)
10. suis rentré(e)
1- Pierre a sorti le chien.
2- Vous êtes entré(s) par la porte de derrière.
("formal" vous ==> vous êtes entré // plural "vous"==> vous êtes entrés)
3- Mon frère a passé une bonne journée.
4- Nous sommes sortis avec des amis.
5- Pierre est rentré tôt.
6- Il est entré avec moi.
7- Jacques a retourné le livre à la bibliothèque.
8- Paul et marie ont rentré le linge.
9- J'ai retourné la crêpe dans la poêle.
10- J'ai rentré la voiture dans le garage.
Hope this helps ☺☺☺
salut, christophe. comment vas-____?
Comment vas-Tu
Because you are not in a formal situation
Fill in the blank with the french word that best completes the sentence. _______ travaille au bureau
L'homme d'affaires
Le menuisier
Le plombier
L'homme d'affaires
It means Business Man and the rest of the sentence means works in the office.
L'homme d'affaires travaille au bureau.
Which word correctly completes this question? D’où _________ Camila et Carla?
D'où viennent Camilla et Carla?
2. Il faut aller en ___ pour faire un stage de rafting et d'escalade.
3. Pendant les stages ___ on apprend à voler.
what are the correct abbreviation for Monsieur et Madame Dupont?
The correct abbreviation is M. et Mme Dupont. Note that there's a space between "Mme" (Mme Blanc) and the last name and only a dot between "M." and the last name (M.Gras)
In French, we use M. for Monsieur, Mme for Madame and Mlle for Mademoiselle (even though we don't use this one anymore, just like Miss). If there are several men, you can use the form MM.Dupont et Boucher.
Comment allez-_______________? je tu vous va
Comment allez-vous means "how are you"
Comment allez-vous ?
What are the main differences between the
French and English education
-School uniform -examination system (le
baccalaureat )
-religious symbols -school day structure
-le 'redoublement
Would you prefer to be educated in England or
France? Explain your answer in English.
French pupils don't have to wear uniform.
They are allowed out of school at lunch time.
They eat differently at lunch time - they don't take in sandwiches, they often eat a large lunch at home.
They have more homework than the english.
the last question is for you to answer because it requires your opinion.
i hope this helped
okay so I'm in France... how do you say "it wasn't me it was the window cleaner!" real quick
"ce n'était pas moi c'était le nettoyeur de vitres!"
ce n'était pas moi c'était le nettoyeur de vitres
this is how you say it
what is the plural of la lumière
la lumière : féminin/singulier
leS lumièreS : féminin/pluriel
how to tell your friend you like to read in french?
J'aime lire.
Complete the following dialogue with the correct word below:
"Tu veux regarder ce film chinois avec moi?"
"Mais je ne parle pas chinois!"
"Ce n'est rien, il y a des
A. souris
B. séries
C. sous-titres
D. séances
C) Sous-titres
Tu veux regarder ce film chinois avec moi?"
"Mais je ne parle pas chinois!"
Ce n'est rien, il y a des ______!" ( sous-titres)
("Do you want to watch this Chinese movie with me?" "But I don't speak Chinese!" It's nothing, there are subtitles ! ")
In English it's subtitles in french it's sous-titres
Quand vont-ils prendre le bus? Ills vont attendre jusqu'à_____? Tard Aujourd'hui Demain Hier
Ils vont attendre jusqu'à demain.
Fill in the blank with the correct item to form a logical question: -vous américalne? A. Est-ce que O B. Parlez O C. Êtes D. Est-ce
I believe the answer is Êtes (are).
I'm not sure if you meant -vous américalne (-you friendly)or if you meant -vous américaine (-you American). Either way, the answer should be Êtes
Est-ce que Is
Parlez Speak
Êtes Are
Est-ce Is this
Hope this helps.
Qu'est-ce que tu... chez toi?
1. va
2. suis
3. fais
4. ont
Verbe "faire" au présent :
je fais
tu fais
il,elle, on fait
nous faisons
vous faites
ils,elles font
Qu'est-ce que tu "fais" chez toi ?
3. fais
When can you use the passe composé?
How do you form the passe composé?
The second dialogue will be the greetings and introduction of the exchange student to two teachers, who will ask the student his/her nationality. Pay attention to the singular and plural, informal/formal aspects of the situations.#
Teachers: Bonjour, bienvenue en France (Hi, welcome in France)
He: Bonjour, merci de votre accueil (Hi, thank you for your welcome)
T: D'où viens-tu ? Quelle est ta nationalité (Where did you come from ? What is your nationality ?)
H: Je suis Canadien et viens du Canada (I'm Canadan and came from Canada)
T: Très bien, bonne journée à toi. (Right, have a good day)
H: Merci, à vous aussi (Thank you, you too)
:) Hope i helped you
Pls help for French anyone, will give braineliest!!!!!!
For the other verbs (-IR, -RE and most “traditionally” irregular verbs in French), the S remains for the “tu” form, except for “aller” which becomes “va”:
1. Finis tes devoirs !
2. Ne traduis pas mot à mot !
3. Prends un bonbon.
3. BUT Va lui demander !
A pronoun replaces one or several nouns.
When you speak of John, instead of repeating his name over and over, you use the pronoun “he”.
John loves Paris. He loves Paris.
“Him”, “his” are other kinds of pronouns which could also refer to John.
Anne likes him.
This book is his.
You choose the correct pronoun according to the noun you want to replace and its grammatical value.
For example: “he” is used to replace a “masculine singular” noun (one man for example) which is subject of the verb; “him” when it’s an object pronoun; and “his” when it’s a possessive pronoun.
Today, we will concentrate on using subject pronouns. First, let’s see what the grammatical term “subject” means.
Je (or j’ + vowel or h) = I
Tu = you singular informal
Il = it, he
Long “eel” sound
Elle = it, she
Short clipped “el” sound
On – this one is more difficult to understand. It used to mean “ one “, but nowadays, “on” is used in casual French to say “ we “, instead of the now more formal/written form “ nous” (see below). Here is my article about the pronoun on in French.
Vous = you, one person, formal
“Vous” versus “tu” is a can of worms… there is a basic rule, and then many exceptions. I suggest you read my article about “Vous” versus “tu” in French – it makes for an interesting read!
About “tu”… there is only one form for “tu” and it’s “tu”. “T'” (t apostrophe) is short for “te”, another pronoun. Now… in informal texting, it’s common for people to misspell things and to write them like they sound. So you may see a “t'” where there should really be a “tu”. Don’t write your French essays that way… Your teacher won’t appreciate it!
Conjugate the verbs in the imperative form, in the person requested.
a- Achète un ordinateur. (tu)
b- Allons à la maison. (nous)
c- Venez chez nous. (vous)
d- Fais de la place sur ton bureau. (tu)
e- Rangez vos chambres. (vous)
f- Invite des amis. (tu)
hope this helps☺☺☺
Find 10 of the er verbs that have been conjurated
1. presente, cherche, j'habite, j'étudie, travaille, j'adore, aimons, restons, regardons, aimez
2. j'habite, j'étudie, cherche, j'aime, fais, joue, chante, j'adore, aimes, aimes,
Select the correct answer.
Which phrase best completes this conversation?
Marc D'où viens-tu, Josh? Tu es canadien?
Josh: Oui,
Je viens de
je viens d
Je viens du
Je viens de la
I think it's C: Je viens du
Because it's asking where do you come from (D'ou viens-tu, Josh?) not where are you from. :)