Research and describe any recent theater production that reflects the political or social climate of the United States in the twenty-first century. Write your response in three or four paragraphs.​


Answer 1

Name of the play: 44 Plays for 44 Presidents

What the play is about: The play gave a peek inside the lives of 44 Presidents who held office in the United States. The play depicted their mistakes and successes when in power. Through this play, I got to know a lot about President George Bush and Barack Obama, who are considered to be the game-changing presidents in American history.

The best part about this play was its all-female cast. The play was performed by seven women who delightfully put forth the biographical surveys of the presidents of America. The playwrights of the show clearly did a great deal of research to come up with such interesting pieces of information of the presidents.

The narrative style was refreshing because it was difficult to predict what you might see next. Also, for people having limited knowledge about American politics, this play was a good medium to educate them on American politics. The play was most useful for those who were to cast their votes for the first time in 2016. I learned a lot about each president’s philosophy. For instance, I got to know about George Washington’s philosophy. He said “no man should seek the office of President; rather, the office should seek out the man devoid of personal ambition to serve.” The script and cast matched well for an exceptional play like this.


Related Questions

am I the only kinda disappointed when I see people just saying "PLS HELPPP" or, "can someone help me?" like, with what? gives us the question first. dont go making us have to go and asks what's wrong or what question it is. just put it. also, for my daily questions, what's your opinion on people joking about animal abuse/ hurting an animal? have a lovely day :D


My opinion is that people joking on animal abuse might be very nasty people. Have a nice day :)


I think that they need help, lol, no offense


I have experience with this. Like..why kick a cat if it's doing nothing to you. Why even joke like, "Imma blow it's head off" Why? What do you gain? Pleasure??

Reread lines 130-141. How does the narrator try to convince readers he sane and reliable? What effect does the narrator’s explanations have on the reader?


When the narrator says , "If still you think me mad you will no longer when I describe the wise precautions I took for the concealment of the body" He tries to convince the reader he is not insane (mad) by all the precautions and effort he has put into the concealment of the body.

His explanations not only make the reader realize that the narrator is very unrealiable, but realize that they are quite insane depsite the constant "I'm not mad".

hope this helps :)

can you please hop off my questions if all your going to do is try to tell me what i can and cant do. So hop off please. i mean you would make a good class president or whatever. but, please stop trying to judge me, or tell me what to do , i dont listen to know one but, myself. Like, im not trying to be rude or anyhing im just tired of other people trying to rule me, or run my life. like who else is with me.



same here, boo.


i get those ALL the time so i feel your pain tbh. a whole lot of my questions got deleted yesterday FOR NO REASON. so preach, hun ✌️

Mecca is (SW , NW , NE , SE) of Cairo. True or false


Try searching it up on google

What is the best thing about the LGBTQ+ community???



it accepts everyone no matter what your sexuality is


Is anyone else just on here because their desperate for human contact ? Or is it just me​ :(


also me deadline is nearer




I dont have grades

What is the name for music with no connection to a story, poem, or idea?
A. Sterile music
B. Absolute music
C. Stoic music
D. Mechanical music


Absolute music represents nothing specifically


absolute music that is

how much does it cost to buy a star from space cause it would be coolto and if there cheat ( i dout) i wanna buy a bung for my family


Answer:the price varies from 49.55- 200k


The symbol E represents a chord with which quality?

Diminished seventh
Dominant seventh


It’s a major chord :)

It is a major chord as the others have a symbol as well

How did the Medici family influence the art of the Renaissance?




The Medici patronage had a huge impact on the Renaissance, allowing artists to focus on their work without having to worry about money. A significant amount of the art and architecture that was produced in Florence at the beginning of the Renaissance was due to the Medici.

the top answer is right^^^

When an outbreak occurs, label the contaminants or suspect food with a notice


Answer: The food was a “stealth food” – foods that people may eat but are unlikely to remember. Ex. garnishes, condiments on sandwiches, and ingredients in a food item such as the filling in a snack cracker.


When no statistical association between a food and illness is found, it does not mean the illness or outbreak was not foodborne. It means only that the source could not be determined. If the outbreak has ended, the source of the outbreak is declared unknown.

hope this helps kid :)

Drama Quarter 1 Assessment

Audition Blocking Cross Counter-Cross Down Stage

Externalization Fourth Wall Full Front Full Back Illusion of first time

Improvise Monologue Profile Quarter-Turn /Three-Quarter Turn

Select the term from the Word Bank for each scenario below.

1. Cinderella demonstrated the angry emotions that the smell of pine cleaner brings to her mind.
2. Anna is in this position when she turns at the sound of a car crash upstage right, the audience could just barely see the sadness in her face.
3. The happy couple danced the Waltz which is a dance that has twirls and turns, during that scene the characters are sometimes in this position.
4.Laura and Cindy’s positions allowed the audience that Laura whispered something shocking into Cindy’s ear, because they could see her wide eyes and jaw-drop.
5. James yells out toward the audience for his son to come into the house, through the imaginary window downstage center.
6. When characters in conversation stand face-to-face, the audience cannot see their full emotion, so they have to focus on the words.
7. Jacob prepared for his role so well, that he continued talking like his character after he left the auditorium.
8. Rachel sneaks across the upstage from the bedroom to the front door as her parents argue downstage.
9. Janine’s confession of the guilt, about betraying her best friend, left the audience members in tears.
10. Benjamin and Tracy performed a perfect goodbye scene when he goes stage right to the kitchen, and she goes stage left to the door.
11. Stacy slowly backed away from the intruder who came in upstage left, the audience could not see the fear in her face, but they saw the caution in her walk.
12. In order to make sure the audience could hear her reading the letter, Karen’s character slowly walks to this position on stage.
13. Ray forgot his lines in Act 2, scene 3, but he knew the situation so well he was able to make it up and no one ever noticed.
14. Actors who practice emotion and expression often are able to impress the audience every performance.
15. An actor playing a driver is often told to bow and take his hat off as a lady enters his car.






Please let me know what you think! I have been working A LOT on this poem and still am, I hope you like it! Let me know if the message of the poem is conveyed well and if it sounds to rigid or if it flows very well.

~Nuvole bianche~

By; Jacob Odom

The sun paints the sky with such colours as the golden riches of twilight and the pure white silks, such beauty...

Fleeting beauty found in the moments before dark, such beauty…

Those clouds, seen by children as the living imagination;

Watch as they lie down in the field and dream of the lives and joys to come in the future, that are found in their imaginations, such beauty...

Such purity, that is what is lost in life, the courage to imagine, to see the white clouds and dream of the simple joys of this life, such sweet sorrow....

Lost sight of the hopes, lost sight of the dream, the dream that brought such joy, where have the clouds gone…

Like twilight, such is the way of childhood, here for the fleeting moments of the rich gold and silver linings that crown the clouds, such hopeful beauty...

But as soon as the clouds are here, just as fast they hang with the thundering rain, such sorrow of a wasted dream…

Through the night, until the morning, when the sun shines again to bring back the hopes of a new dream, such beauty…

Fleeting is the twilight, but such beauty that the sun comes again, such hope…

And all to dream on Nuvole bianche, until the morning;

Nuvole bianche… Such hopeful beauty….

((Nuvole Bianche meaning White Clouds



This poem is so beautiful, you really put some passion into this poem,I would read this all day if I could (people might say i'm being dramatic but its beautiful) Reading this poem makes me feel like i'm in the show Ann with an E, I don't know if you know the show but its such a good show, you should watch it.  What is this poem for, english class? cause this poem doesn't belong in a class it belongs in a museum!!  


This poem is amazing, you are such a great writer. Keep writing please, you will be famous one day!!

this is so good YESSSSSSSSSSS

what is a common way for a author to introduce an important idea or central concept


This is called a "topic sentence." It's common for paragraphs to have the main idea be the first sentence, because this allows the author to set up the rest of the paragraph and explain things immediately after the topic sentence.

How do people draw Nightcore on a computer then make it into a video? How do I draw anime? How long does it take?


how to make nightcore on computer

nightcore sulotion ^^ (search it up)

how to draw anime

anime drawing solution^^ (search it up)

It depends on your experience, your talent and the amount of details you give in your drawing. Also if you want to colour, what colour you use. Though for a beginner it takes almost 2–4 hours. how long it takes


Not so sure about the nightcore. Love the songs tho. But the anime it matters how good you want it. The better it is the longer it talked. It takes me about three hours to draw on picture. Mainly I think of an idea, sketch it, than you clean it up. And if it’s an OC you need to think of the character personality. Are they crazy or moody?


What color is the sky?


The color is Blue and white



Answer:performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus. Improvisation: something that is improvised, in particular a piece of music, drama, etc. created spontaneously or without preparation.


i copied and pasted from google bc im only in middle school lol

What is your zodiac sign?
I am a pisces.



imma cancer lol



I'm a September Libra

What is the first step when making artwork with paper shapes? (1 point) a student cuts a piece of paper for artwork created with paper shapes © Poliuszko / iStock 2017 Arrange your shapes on paper. Cut out your shapes. Paste your shapes to paper.


Some artists like to position all the torn and cut paper shapes on the backing sheet of paper or card before gluing any in place. This allows them to consider the relationship between the different shapes, and make alterations if necessary, before committing to a particular arrangement. owever, I prefer a more intuitive, direct approach. I start with one shape and fix that in position, and then I add other shapes in relation to the first one.

Although I make some reference to the location sketch, as a starting point, I am only thinking of very basic shapes and divisions at this stage. I might overlap some of the paper shapes, and I try to avoid placing them exactly parallel to the edges of the painting paper. Rather than having lots of right angles and parallel lines, I prefer more subtle angles and diagonals. These create a more dynamic quality in the design.

Consequently, once I have decided on a shape and glued it in place, I cannot alter it. But ironically, by adopting this approach, I am able to keep the initial stages of the painting fairly undefined – so allowing me different options in terms of the way to proceed. Generally, I start with just four or five shapes: these, as I have explained, will indicate the key divisions within the composition – for example, where a telegraph pole intersects a field, or the top of a harbour wall abuts a building. I often emphasize such divisions and extend them right across the image.

To secure the collage shapes in place, I use a matt acrylic medium – usually Spectrum Copolymer Emulsion. Essentially, this is the same medium that is used in the manufacture of acrylic paint. An advantage of this medium is that it is waterproof, whereas PVA, which is equally suitable as an adhesive, is water-soluble.

I dilute the acrylic medium with water for use with thin papers, but apply it undiluted for gluing materials such as corrugated card, mountboard and fabric. An alternative method, which I sometimes use, is to impress a paper shape into an area of wet acrylic

This might imply that I am only thinking about the subject matter in literal terms. However, I am also considering the way that various shapes interrelate and begin to create interest and balance within the design. For instance, you will see that I have placed some tissue-paper shapes at the top to balance the ones in the foreground. Equally, I am thinking of the textures and how these could be used later.

Next, as in Stage 2, I sometimes develop the collage further, before starting to apply the two main colours that I have chosen for the subject. I decided to use a blue and a golden sand colour for this painting, working as usual with acrylic inks and applying them with a soft-haired 5cm varnishing brush. The collage must be dry before starting on this stage, for which I first wet the paper by spraying it with water. With the painting held vertically at an easel, I apply the colours randomly, allowing them to create haphazard effects.

With the entire painting surface now covered in some way, either with collage or colour, I begin to think more particularly about textures. For those areas in which a rich textural quality will be useful, I use white acrylic paint, which is applied quite freely with a linoprinting roller, as shown in Stage 3. Again, I aim to create a sense of unity by repeating the texture in different areas, although avoiding those passages of the initial blue or golden sand colour which I estimate will relate to specific parts of the subject matter. As well as adding texture, the white acrylic imparts a luminosity to the painting later on, when coloured glazes made from diluted acrylic inks are applied over it.

During the next stage, with a fresh look at the location drawing, and where appropriate exploiting the divisions, marks and surface effects that are now part of the painting, I start to resolve the essential elements. As you can see in Stage 4, I have now defined the main house, using white acrylic paint, and with black acrylic ink offset from the edge of a piece of card, I am putting in some fencing posts. The challenge is to balance areas that give meaning and definition with those that are left as textural, abstract qualities.

Finally, as shown in Stage 5, I draw with a dip pen and some black or brown acrylic ink to add any further outlines and details that I think are necessary.

how would you describe the neoclassical style of art


Neoclassical painting is a characterized by the use of straight lines and smooth paint surface the depiction of light and minimal use of color and the clear Crisp definition of forms the works of Jacques Louis David are hailed as the epitome of Neoclassical painting

Define linear perspective, horizon line, vanishing point, orthogonal.



Linear perspective comes into play when orthogonal (parallel) lines that recede into the distance appear to get closer together as they converge at a vanishing point on the composition's horizon line.  The line at the top of mountains or buildings is not the horizon line; these objects “rest” on the horizon line.


Linear perspective: a type of perspective used by artists in which the relative size, shape, and position of objects are determined by drawn or imagined lines converging at a point on the horizon.

Horizon line: Horizon line/eye level refer to a physical/visual boundary where sky separates from land or water. It is the actual height of the viewer's eyes when looking at an object, interior scene, or an exterior scene.

Vanishing point: the point at which something that has been growing smaller or increasingly faint disappears altogether.

Orthogonal: of or involving right angles; at right angles

what the corlor of the sky


Blue is the color of the sky

I can't make them on Musescore.​ Help me please!!!


What do you mean? I don’t understand the question

is anyone else just looking for something to do because they are becoming increasingly lonely and they just finished their homework but dont want to go outside even though their parents told them to?


yes, except i’ve lost all motivation to complete my homework

among those art and crafts from luzon which in your favorite one and why​



the awnser is based on you


We talked about the kind of music you listen to and how everyone has different taste in music. Along with having different taste we have varying views on life. Todays question is for you think of yourself as a designer. You have to create an album (the art that goes with the music). The theme of the project is 2020. What would that look like for your favorite musical artist? What the tittle to the songs on the album? How would you get people to look at your project and want to buy it? Please try to be original, there are no wrong answers as long as it's your answers. Please give me as much detail as possible, should be at least a paragraph in length.




ILYSB- the rose

The Truth Untold- BTS

Our summer- Tomorrow x together

Clover- A.C.E

Sunrise- Ateez

Last hope- Paramore

Before you start your day- Twenty one pilots


- These are all actual songs, if you listen to them they describe how my 2020 went.

- BTW you´ll have to google what some of the songs are saying lol.

- I would´nt try to attract people, if they find out about me then it was meant to happen and they hopefully would enjoy it.

Who wore this outfit better?



I believe both but I love the second one lol

What makes the play trifles by Susan Glaspell unique?


Susan Glaspell’s on act play called trifles can be best described as a feminist drama. The idea the women’s wants and needs were entirely overlooked by men, particularly husbands, is evident as Hale says “I didn’t know as what his wife wanted made much difference to John.” Hope this helped!!

When did the patronage system begin to collapse?
O A. Renaissance era
O B. Modern era
C. Baroque era
O D. Classical era



classical era


red and cream is what color scheme?



Colors that go well with red:

Primary red works well with yellow, white, tawny-orange, green, blue and black.

Tomato red works well with cyan, mint green, sand, creamy-white, and grey.

Cherry red works well with azure, grey, light-orange, sandy, pale-yellow, and beige.


the color scheme red and cream is a color scheme created by vennesa she made it with barn red crimson red and electric red also composed of cream cookies and cream and fawn


if this is not correct then it is because your question was not very persise

Other Questions
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