Why did Patrick Henry use Enlightenment qualities in his speech?


Answer 1


Patrick Henry was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and ... His rousing speeches—which included a 1775 speech to the Virginia ... Ministers of the Church of England in Virginia were paid their annual ... I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!


so ya

Related Questions

What does the underlined word mean in the following sentence?

Me acuesto en la cama.

I brush my teeth
I lie down
I fall asleep
I wake up



I lie down



I lie down


Me acuesto en la cama means I lie on the bed.

What are the three metaphors in mother to son poem


Answer: it is an extended metaphor that compares the mother's life to a staircase.


In "Mother to Son" Hughes uses a metaphor to describe the life of the mother. In this case, it is an extended metaphor that compares the mother's life to a staircase. Each step symbolizes a part of her life that she had to endure. This metaphor is used throughout the poem to show the meaning of the poem.

What year is August Wilson's Fences set?





It's online XD

answer: 1957  

Explanation: Set mostly in 1957, a landmark year for the Civil Rights Movement and a time when much of the black community felt caught between a violent and oppressive past and the possibility of a brighter future, Fences follows the story of Troy Maxson, an African American father and husband who feels a desperate need to provide ...

she buys a new
bag. ( what)​






uhh new bag? what bag


What change needs to be made in sentence 4? Group of answer choices Change earlier to earliest Change themselves to themselfs Insert a comma after chance Change should have been giving to should give


Hello. The question is incomplete. The full question is:

(2) Considered remnants of our parents’ and grandparents’ younger years, vinyl records are often thought to be old-fashioned compared to digital music. (3) However, vinyl is making a comeback for many good reasons. (4) Teens should have been giving this earlier form of music recording a chance and experience vinyl records for themselves.

18-15: What change needs to be made in sentence 4?


Change earlier to earliest


In sentence 4, if the word "early" needs to be changed to the word "earliest." This will make the sentence grammatically correct, in addition to allowing greater consistency and fluidity of text.

In addition, the word "earliest" means something that was done "much earlier" than another element, being the most appropriate word for the type of message that the text proposes to convey.

In " What of this Goldfish Would you wish" what archetype is Sergei?



The short story “What, of this goldfish, Would You Wish? ' is an emotive short story written by Etgar Keret. In this story he uses Archetype of the innocent youth being Yonatan an ambitious young documenter, he has a bombastic idea for a documentary which he decides to solely execute by himself.


hope this helps in any way :)

How did Eliot create a whimsical, light-hearted, funny attitude? Write in complete sentences and cite 2 pieces of evidence.
(At least 5 sentences)


This question is incomplete. Here's the complete question.

Read the poem "Macavity the Mystery Cat", by T. S. Eliot

How did Eliot create a whimsical, light-hearted, funny attitude? Write in complete sentences and cite 2 pieces of evidence.

(At least 5 sentences)


Eliot uses literary devices such as assonance, repetition, alliteration, imagery, and personification to create a whimsical tone.


Assonance, Alliteration, and Repetition provide a musical tone throughout the poem.

Assonance is the repetition of a vowel. For example "Macavity's a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw For he's the master criminal who can defy the Law."

Alliteration is the repetition of a consonant. For example "And his footprints are not found in any file of Scotland Yard's."

Repetition is the use of the same word several times. For example "Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity."

However, the most fun element is probably personification. The cat is portrayed as a criminal mastermind capable of doing things that should be impossible for a cat, such as stifling Pekes, espionage, and many crimes.

Upon rereading The Story of an Hour you will write a thoughtful and grammatically correct thesis statement that addresses the following prompt.

LITERARY ANALYSIS: How does the author use literary elements to develop the plot of “The Story of an Hour”? In your response, evaluate at least two of the literary elements used by the author and how they shape the plot. Use evidence from the text to support your analysis.


What does that mean?

Which word is most clearly used connotatively?
Tom asked me to watch another bizarre new science fiction movie
with him.
A. watched
B. bizarre
C. asked
D. new





is there a way to report a user for thare user name and stuff like that


Im not actually sure, I know you can report someone’s comment and sometimes they get deleted


i dont think so, if you can click on their profile and see if theres a "report" option or maybe doubletap on it?


1. I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.
The first story is about connecting the dots.

2. I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

3. It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

4. And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

5. It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned Coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

6. Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and sans serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.

7. None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But 10 years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, it's likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backward 10 years later.

8. Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.



um ok, good for u :) hope u like your college and be safe and happy

30 points to who ever gets this right and also gets brainliest!!!!!!



A :)


An objective summary is a basically an overview or a concise explanation of the goal or what kind of career you are seeking, and what skills and experiences you have that make you an ideal candidate for that career.




Kamala Devi Harris is an American politician and attorney, the junior United States senator from California, and the vice president-elect of the United States


Punctuate this sentence using commas and semicolons

I hate watching sports! Soccer is predictable and slow
basketball is loud repetitive and hard to follow and
rugby is violent primal and predictable too.

I need help :(


I hate watching sports! Soccer is predictable and slow ,

basketball is loud repetitive and hard to follow ,

rugby is violent primal and predictable too.


I hate watching sports! Soccer is predictable and slow. Basketball is loud, repetitive, and hard to follow. Rugby is violent, primal, and predictable too.


This should answer your question.

Does America still provide access to the American dream?



Not really, unless your a wonder child or have everything given to you. Or if you work harder than Super man fighting Zod.

Explanation: People are greedy, and America isn't that great... honestly when was it ever?

que faites-vous

Translate this to english(will give Brainliest)



its french for what are you doing lol



what are you doing


google translate my dude

3) Write three adjectives that describe Billie Jo's current state of Mind (How she's feeling).

2) Briefly explain two reasons for Billie Jo's state of mind (How she's feeling).

1) Write about one example of figurative language (similes, personification, hyperbole) or imagery that you believe best captures how Billie Jo is feeling and explain why you chose to use it as an example.​

Mark as brainliest



3. Billy Jo was dejected, despondent, and sorrowful.

2. Billy Jo was in a bad state of mind because;

a. She had lost her mother and her unborn sibling in the home accident

b. Her father was consumed in mourning that he neglected her.

1. Billy Jo was as sad as night. Just as night is most times marked with uncertainties, dangerous events, and a foreboding of gloom, so did Billy Jo feel after the awful accident that took her mother's life.


In the story, 'Out of the dust', we learn of 14-year-old Billy Jo Kelby who lived happily with her parents in their home in the Dust Bowl. An awful accident occurred in their kitchen when Billy's mother wanted to put off the stove but unfortunately uses the pail of kerosene which her husband put by the stove, mistaking it for water. Fire guts the house but she manages to escape.

However, that was not to be the end of the matter as Billy threw the pail of kerosene out of the house and it, unfortunately, hit her mother who was now gutted in the fire. Billy Jo's pregnant mother died from the incident and that made her very sad.

Which is not a reason why a story can have more than one theme? We all have different vocabulary We have different opinions Meaningful works have more than one idea Because two themes are better than one



Because two themes are better than one


In a story, the theme is the specific topic that the author wants to provoke reflection and address a strong and relevant concept not only for the story, but for society, or for something that is particularly interesting for the reader. It is common for stories to have more than one theme, but this is not because two themes are better than one, but because, readers and authors have different vocabularies and more the themes may have different meanings for each person, in addition , opinions among readers are also different, which can cause the extension of these themes and the discussion of them. Another important point is that significant works address many different issues and each issue is linked to a theme.

2.06 focus on the introduction: write a introduction with a good hook on why automobiles are so important for transportation


Answer: Imagine being able to sleep and drive at the same time! While that may seem like a ridiculous concept, it may soon be a

reality. In fact, Google Inc. has been working on the prototypes for self-driving cars since 2009, and hopes to have the vehicles

available to the public in the near future. The cars have no need for gas pedals or steering wheels, because they operate

independently of a driver, using laser sensors and cameras for guidance. While this may seem unsafe, there is evidence to support

that the cars are more secure than the vehicles we have today. In fact, Google’s self-driving cars will not only improve safety on the

road, but they will also reduce traffic.


There are many benefits that these autonomous vehicles have to offer. Most importantly, however, they will make roads safer

for drivers. There are people, for example, who make the unfortunate decision to drive drunk and endanger the lives of others.

Furthermore, individuals will often drive while fatigued, which can impair judgment, and lead to a car accident. Self-driving cars could

potentially change all of that. In fact, “According to one government study, computer operated self-driving vehicles will eliminate

incidents involving alcohol…[and] fatigue” (Jaconi). Perhaps most importantly, the self-driving car is likely to save lives. For instance,

according to a study by the Eno Center for Transportation, “if 90 percent of cars, trucks and vans were self-driving, in the region of

21,700 lives per year could be saved” (Jaconi). All of that being said, Google’s cars can make a significant and positive difference in

the way that society functions.


In addition to improving safety, Google’s self-driving cars will also reduce traffic. Most people have experienced the

inconvenience of being stuck behind a mass of cars on the road. Not only can sitting on the road waste resources like time and gas,

but it can also lead to frustration or road rage. Therefore, minimizing the negative impact of traffic could significantly improve the way

that Americans travel and live. Google’s CEO Sergey Brin has explained that the vehicles could “potentially…operate as a fleet of

interconnected cars” (Oreskovic), which would improve their efficiency and eliminate stop-and-go traffic. Not only would this make

commuting more convenient, but it could also help to save money spent on gas. In a study done by the Eno Center for Transportation,

it was “noted that when a majority of self-driving cars are on the road, they can begin "platooning"’ (Jaconi). In other words, because

the cars would be able to communicate with one another, they could drive more closely together, like a train. As a result, “the negative

effects of stop-and-go traffic could be eliminated” (Jaconi). Additionally, it has been noted that this platooning, “would allow for

smoother traffic flows, reduce lengthy commute times and even increase highway capacity” (Jaconi), and increasing highway capacity

would also save the government money, which may help free up funds for other important social needs, such as education.

Considering the benefits that traffic reduction might have on both individual drivers, and the society at large, it’s clear that the self


Which best describes an objective summary?

A.an explanation written in one's own words that provides all of the details and information in a text

B.a written response that provides a personal opinion related to the central idea of a text

C.a short statement written in one's own words that provides the key points or central idea of a text

D.a formal report that provides scientific facts and data to support the ideas in a text





it is c because it shouldn't be everything

Which is the correct short definition of an expository essay?



Expository writing is used to describe, explain, define, or otherwise inform a reader about a specific subject. It’s devoid of opinion or unnecessary descriptive language.



an essay written to express yourself


in about 120 words,write a story about honesty in a story telling competition​



Honesty is the best policy

Once upon a time, there lived a poor woodcutter named Ram. He lived in a small hut on the outskirts of the village. Ram would go in the forest every day and chop trees for wood. He sold this wood to a rich merchant and earned his livelihood. Though poor, the woodcutter was sincere and honest.

One day, while chopping a tree near the river, the axe slipped out of his hand and fell into the river. The river was very deep and since that was his only axe, he worried.

He prayed to God for his axe. He prayed so sincerely that God actually appeared! When He asked Ram what the problem was, he told Him the whole episode. God, then put his hand into the river and took out a silver axe. The woodcutter said it wasn’t his. God continued looking and then found a golden axe.

The woodcutter refused to accept it too! What good is a golden axe to a poor woodcutter? He needed his iron axe. God finally smiled and pulled out his iron axe. The woodcutter was extremely happy and thanked God for finding his axe. God was very happy with his honesty. So, he rewarded him by giving him the silver and the golden axe too! The woodcutter was overwhelmed and jumped with joy!


1) No matter what we should always be honest in every situation.

2) Any gain made through dishonesty is very short-lived and will never keep you happy.

3) Honesty is a virtue that is found in very few people, and one must nurture it.


you can find it in google as well this is actually a very popular bed time story when I was a kid

Which best describes the difference in these two passages?

A) The first passage claims that recycling is a waste of money, but the second passage argues that recycling is a worthy activity.
B) The first passage argues for River Elementary to start a new recycling program, while the second passage lists all the the different items that can be recycled.
C) The first passage argues that River Elementary needs a recycling program, while the second passage claims that now is not the time for River Elementary to start a new program.
D) The first passage argues that River Elementary does not need a recycling program, while the second passage argues that a recycling program for River Elementary is needed immediately.



I'm going to say B, but I am not completely sure. If this is wrong, than I advise you go go over C too.


I tried my best and I hope this helps you.


C): The first passage argues that River Elementary needs a recycling program, while the second passage claims that now is not the time for River Elementary to start a new program.

What page in Fahrenheit 451 is the word “ravenous”on?



Very Hungry page 41




p. 38-39


His hands were ravenous. And his eyes were beginning to feel hunger, as if they must look at something, anything, everything.

p. 38-39

ravenous = extremely hungry

Choose the quote that has to do with the theme "loss of innocence" from HOMS



C. "You get to wear nice clothes and might meet someone who will marry you and take you away to live in a big house far away"


The above quote is the quote that has to do with the theme "loss of innocence" from The House On Mango Street.

The above statement was made by Marin, a young woman from Puerto Rico. She lives with the family of her cousin. Marin stays at home baby-sitting and sells makeup for Avon. Marin actually teaches Esperanza and her friends about the world of boys.

"Loss of innocence" is known to be a common theme in fiction, realism, etc. It is seen as the experiences or periods in one's life which results in an awareness of what is wrong, suffering and/or pain. This theme is seen as an integral part of coming of age.

The above quote shows "loss of innocence" which reveals that one can actually try to dress well and look nice in order to attract someone to marry and live with in a big house. This is part of what Marin was teaching Esperanza. She is trying to create an awareness of what girls can do to attract someone to marry in order to live in a big house.

which one is the correct answer and explain why you think that?


B. break. because it says a pause caused by technical problems and that wouldn't be a announcement or show. a pause is another word for break

What is the central idea of this paragraph? Stanton and her family moved to New York City in 1862. Stanton was determined to gain full rights for women. Stanton continued to work for women’s rights after moving to New York City. Stanton believed in equal property rights for women.



B) Stanton was determined to gain full rights for women.


Its right on edge


B) Stanton was determined to gain full rights for women.


it is right!

I know b/c I did it one edge.

What does sugar symbolize in the story? the luxuries enjoyed by the ruling and middle class the reason the people had to rebel the rights the working class fought for the limits of the people after the rebellion​



the luxuries enjoyed by the ruling and middle class


got it right on edge

Answer: the luxuries enjoyed by the ruling and middle class

Explanation: i just know

A community magazine for teenagers is featuring an issue on relationships. Write an article for the magazine arguing whether social media has a positive or negative impact on friendships. Your essay must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the “Social Media’s Impact” passage set.



Teenagers are nowadays communicating with their friends through social media and we cannot blame them, we all are. However, it is important to understand the positive and negative impact that social media has on teenager's friendships.

First of all, social media is great for them to keep in touch with friends they do not see very often, it allows them to interact in different platforms, which means they can share interests in common through social media. The pandemic made everything very difficult for teenagers, so being able to keep in touch and feel closer to their friends through social media was actually good. However, interacting through social media so much and not having proper talks can make teenagers feel anxious when talking to each other in person. Social media should not replace face to face interaction.

To sum up, it is very important that teenagers interact with their friends online but it is important to also interact outside the Internet, there is a significant difference between having a conversation with a friend online or in person.


To complete this exercise, you have to write an article for a magazine about the impact of social media on teenage friendships. It's important to understand that social media isn't the enemy. However, online interactions shouldn't be the only interactions a teenage has with their friends.

If you were the judge during the Brown v. Board of Education case, what would your decision be and why?



I would desegregate the schools because it makes no sense to segragate people based on race. Also school is for everyone not just a certain group


My answer would have been that racial segregation is public schools is unconstitutional because it gives children a sense of inferiority.

Other Questions
Which statement about mining in Canada is not true?A.Mining is the largest contributor to Canada's economy.B.Mining produces energy materials such as oil and coal.C.Mining provides important minerals such as nickel, zinc, and lead.D.Mining is very important to the Canadian Shield region.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD Write your own poemInclude: title, visual, and three stanzas of three or more lines per stanza, assonance, consonance, alliteration or any figurative language you have learned over the unit. In one day, 72 people take group tennis lessons at Cherry Hills Country Club. The club provides 9 lessons each day. If an average of 120 tennis balls are used in each lesson, determine the average number of tennis balls used per person per lesson FInd the value of x if L, M belongs to line KM Unit 1Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective. (More thanone answer may be possible.)1 Lucy is very _____ she only thinks about herself.2 My dad is so _____ nothing gets him angry or excited.3 I'm very _____ I want to be CEO of a big company.4 My dad is 42 but acts like he's 12: he's so _____5 lan is very _____ he writes songs and paints too. Which of the following BEST describes the biological function of a macromolecule? In addition to being one of the leaders of the beat generation, Jack Kerouac wasO anovelist.Oa rock musician.O a television star.O ascientist. Justinian imposes new code of law.Completion of Hagia Sophia adds beauty to Constantinople. Greco-Roman tradition preserved.Which empire is described in these statements?.Byzantine.Persian.MauryanDOttomanCAN ANYONE JUST GIVE THE ANSWER PLEASEEEEE GIVING BRAINLIEST!!! AND A LOT OF POINTS!!! What happens to the body if it consumes more calories than it burns? A.weight gain B.increased flexibility C.weight loss D.increased strength Find the 14th term of the geometric sequence 7, 28, 112, BRAINLEST+THANKS!! Thank uu PLEASE HELP ME!!I'M IN A PRACTICE TEST!!! I need to know what this is plz help help asap plspls!! :) At noon a female corpse was found partially submerged on the shore of a lake. The air tempature was 26.7 (81 degrees) and the water tempature was about 15.6 Celsius (61 degrees Celsius ) rigor Mortis was not evident and the body tempature was 15.6 degrees Celsius. Livor Mortis showed a noticeable reddening on the victims back that did not disappear when pressed. Bacterial actuality was not significantly increased and the lungs were filled with water approximately how long ago did the women die Which jobs does the circulatory system do? EEEEE Pleasee help meeeee Please complete the chart if needed.Will make brainliest! an online store sells camping chairs for $29. if the store sells 26,578 chairs in one year. how much does the store earn in sales? What is pictured below?