Write a program that takes in a line of text as input, and outputs that line of text in reverse. The program repeats, ending when the user enters "Quit", "quit", or "q" for the line of text.

Ex: If the input is: (see image attached)

my code is this one but i dont know what im doing wrong:

using namespace std;
int main()

while (true)
string word;

if (word.compare("Quit")==0)
else if (word.compare("quit")==0)

int len=word.length();

cout = 0; i--)
cout << word[i];
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Thank You..!";
return 0;

Write A Program That Takes In A Line Of Text As Input, And Outputs That Line Of Text In Reverse. The


Answer 1

Table of Contents

1 Introduction

2 Running sed

2.1 Overview

2.2 Command-Line Options

2.3 Exit status

3 sed scripts

3.1 sed script overview

3.2 sed commands summary

3.3 The s Command

3.4 Often-Used Commands

3.5 Less Frequently-Used Commands

3.6 Commands for sed gurus

3.7 Commands Specific to GNU sed

3.8 Multiple commands syntax

3.8.1 Commands Requiring a newline

4 Addresses: selecting lines

4.1 Addresses overview

4.2 Selecting lines by numbers

4.3 selecting lines by text matching

4.4 Range Addresses

5 Regular Expressions: selecting text

5.1 Overview of regular expression in sed

5.2 Basic (BRE) and extended (ERE) regular expression

5.3 Overview of basic regular expression syntax

5.4 Overview of extended regular expression syntax

5.5 Character Classes and Bracket Expressions

5.6 regular expression extensions

5.7 Back-references and Subexpressions

5.8 Escape Sequences - specifying special characters

5.8.1 Escaping Precedence

5.9 Multibyte characters and Locale Considerations

5.9.1 Invalid multibyte characters

5.9.2 Upper/Lower case conversion

5.9.3 Multibyte regexp character classes

6 Advanced sed: cycles and buffers

6.1 How sed Works

6.2 Hold and Pattern Buffers

6.3 Multiline techniques - using D,G,H,N,P to process multiple lines

6.4 Branching and Flow Control

6.4.1 Branching and Cycles

6.4.2 Branching example: joining lines

7 Some Sample Scripts

7.1 Joining lines

7.2 Centering Lines

7.3 Increment a Number

7.4 Rename Files to Lower Case

7.5 Print bash Environment

7.6 Reverse Characters of Lines

7.7 Text search across multiple lines

7.8 Line length adjustment

7.9 Reverse Lines of Files

7.10 Numbering Lines

7.11 Numbering Non-blank Lines

7.12 Counting Characters

7.13 Counting Words

7.14 Counting Lines

7.15 Printing the First Lines

7.16 Printing the Last Lines

7.17 Make Duplicate Lines Unique

7.18 Print Duplicated Lines of Input

7.19 Remove All Duplicated Lines

7.20 Squeezing Blank Lines

8 GNU sed’s Limitations and Non-limitations

9 Other Resources for Learning About sed

10 Reporting Bugs

Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License

Concept Index

Command and Option Index

Next: Introduction, Up: (dir)   [Contents][Index]

GNU sed

This file documents version 4.8 of GNU sed, a stream editor.

Copyright © 1998–2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License”.

• Introduction:    Introduction

• Invoking sed:    Invocation

• sed scripts:    sed scripts

• sed addresses:    Addresses: selecting lines

• sed regular expressions:


Related Questions

How does multimedia content enhance a user’s Web browsing experience?







I would say it is more engaging and helps the user remember the content better as multimedia is more memorable than just plain text. It can also display things that plain text is unable to, such as sounds and detailed pictures.


Assume that at time 5 no system resources are being used except for the processor and memory. Now consider the following events:
At time 5: P1 executes a command to read from disk unit 3.
At time 15: P5’s time slice expires.
At time 18: P7 executes a command to write to disk unit 3.
At time 20: P3 executes a command to read from disk unit 2.
At time 24: P5 executes a command to write to disk unit 3.
At time 28: P5 is swapped out.
At time 33: An interrupt occurs from disk unit 2: P3’s read is complete.
At time 36: An interrupt occurs from disk unit 3: P1’s read is complete.
At time 38: P8 terminates.
At time 40: An interrupt occurs from disk unit 3: P5’s write is complete.
At time 44: P5 is swapped back in.
At time 48: An interrupt occurs from disk unit 3: P7’s write is complete.
For time 37, identify which state each process is in. If a process is blocked, further identify the event on which it is blocked.



Follows are the solution to this question:


In Time = 22:

The P5 and P8 are in the ready/running state, and the P1, P3, P7 are into the block state for Input/output.

In Time = 37:

The P1, P3, P8 are in the ready/running state, P5 is in the block state. It suspends or swapped out, and P7 is on the block state for Input/output.  

In Time= 47:

The P1, P3, and P5 are in the ready/running state, P7 is on the block state for Input/output, and P8 is in the exit state.

3.2 lesson practice edhesive ​



3.2 Question 1

x = float(input("Enter a number: "))

if (x > 45.6):

   print("Greater than 45.6")

3.2 Question 2

x = float(input("Enter your grade: "))

if (x >= 90):

   print("Great! ")


I hope this works I do not know exactly what you were asking for

how to unblock a school computer


Answer: use a vpn


go to Explanation:


What is the output of this program?

age = 4
if age > 5:
Output: ______


Since age is less than 5, the else statement will run. The output will be less

Less is the answer I think

Look at the image below!


The missing word is input. The input function asks the user to enter something and in this case, its asking for the user to enter the x-coordinate of the first point.

This program outputs a downwards facing arrow composed of a rectangle and a right triangle. The arrow dimensions are defined by user specified arrow base height, arrow base width, and arrow head width. #include int main(void) {int arrowBaseHeight = 0;int arrowBaseWidth = 0;int arrowHeadWidth = 0;printf("Enter arrow base height:\n");scanf("%d", &arrowBaseHeight);printf("Enter arrow base width:\n");scanf("%d", &arrowBaseWidth);printf("Enter arrow head width:\n");scanf("%d", &arrowHeadWidth);printf("\n");// Draw arrow base (height = 3, width = 2)printf( "**\n");printf( "**\n");printf( "**\n");// Draw arrow head (width = 4)printf( "****\n");printf( "***\n");printf( "**\n");printf( "*\n");return 0;}a. Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow base of height arrow_base_height. b. Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow base of width arrow_base_width.c. Modify the given program to use a loop to output an arrow head of width arrow_head_width.



Here is the C program:

#include <stdio.h>  //to use input output functions

int main(void) {   //start of main function

 int arrowBaseHeight = 0;  //stores value for arrow base height

int  arrowBaseWidth = 0;  //stores value for arrow base width

 int arrowHeadWidth = 0 ;  //stores value for arrow head width

 int i, j;  //to traverse through the rows and columns

 printf("Enter arrow base height:\n");  //prompts user to enter arrow base height value

 scanf("%d", &arrowBaseHeight);  //reads input value of arrow base height

 printf("Enter arrow base width:\n");  //prompts user to enter arrow base width value

 scanf("%d", &arrowBaseWidth);  //reads input value of arrow base width

 while (arrowHeadWidth <= arrowBaseWidth)  {   //iterates as long as the value of arrowHeadWidth is less than or equals to the value of arrowBaseWidth  

     printf("Enter arrow head width:\n");   //prompts user to enter arrow head width value

     scanf("%d", &arrowHeadWidth);   //reads input value of arrow head width

     printf("\n"); }

 for (i = 0; i < arrowBaseHeight; i++)    {   //iterates through rows

     for (j = 0; j < arrowBaseWidth; j++)  {   //iterates through columns

         printf("*");       }   //prints asterisks

     printf("\n");   }   //prints a new line

 for (i = arrowHeadWidth; i > 0; i--)    {   //loop for input length

     for (j = i; j > 0; j--)        {   //iterates for triangle ( to make arrow head)

         printf("*");       }   //prints asterisks

     printf("\n");   }  } //prints new line


The program asks to enter the height of the arrow base, width of the arrow base and the width of arrow head. When asking to enter the width of the arrow head, a condition is checked that the arrow head width arrowHeadWidth should be less than or equal to width of arrow base arrowBaseWidth. The while loop keeps iterating until the user enters the arrow head width larger than the value of arrow base width.  

The loop is used to output an arrow base of height arrowBaseHeight.

The nested loop is being used which as a whole outputs an arrow base of width arrowBaseWidth. The inner loop draws the stars and forms the base width of the arrow, and the outer loop iterates a number of times equal to the height of the arrow.

The last nested loop is used to output an arrow head of width arrowHeadWidth. The inner loop forms the arrow head and prints the stars needed to form an arrow head.  

The screenshot of output is attached.

2. Which of the following fonts is most legible for a block of text? What font size and color would you choose if you were writing a block of text in a formal business document? (1 point)



Color: Black

Font: Times New Roman

Size: 12



Times new roman

front 12



Times new roman

front 12


What is troubleshooting?

creating a checklist
finding and fixing a problem
scanning for viruses
performing regular maintenance


Finding and fixing a problem
The answer is finding and fixing a problem.

The following are basic word processing functions that all students should be able to utilize in their work, EXCEPT:

Group of answer choices

A.) Spell check

B.) Convert to PDF

C.) Printing

D.) References


I would say B or D but preferably B

The trigonometry book says: sin^2(t) + cos^2(t) = 1 Write a Python program that verifies the formula with the help of the Python Math module. Note that the trigonometric functions in the module act on the angles in radians. Your program should perform the following steps 3 times: 1. Pick a random number between 0 and 180 degrees representing an angle in degrees, say Dangle 2. Convert the angle from degrees to radians, say Rangle 3. Use the Math module to find and print the values of sin(Rangle) and cos(Rangle), and 4. Compute and print the value of the above expression: sin^2(Rangle) + cos^2(Rangle). You can then visually verify if the result printed is 1 (or close to it).



If you open your python-3 console and execute the following .py code you will have the following output. (Inputing 20 e.g)

Write the angles in degrees: 20

radian angles is:  0.3490658503988659

cosene( 0.3490658503988659 ) =  0.9396926207859084

sine( 0.3490658503988659 ) =  0.3420201433256687

sin^2( 0.3490658503988659 ) + cos^2( 0.3490658503988659 ) =  1.0



import math

for i in range(1,4):

   angle = int(input('Write the angles in degrees: '))

   #mat library better works with radians

   angle_radians = (angle*math.pi)/180

   #print output

   print('radian angles is: ',angle_radians)

   print('cosene(',angle_radians,') = ',math.cos(angle_radians))

   print('sine(',angle_radians,') = ',math.sin(angle_radians))

   res = (math.sin(angle_radians))**2 + (math.cos(angle_radians))**2

   print('sin^2(',angle_radians,') + cos^2(',angle_radians,') = ',res)

What is one way to calm your feelings before taking
a test?



For me I chew gum if avaliable and if it's not I think of something funny


You are given the program to support the management of a movie rental place
You are required to perform refactoring on that program to improve its quality. You are encouraged to use refactoring services in IDEs such as Eclipse or IntelliJ.
Then, you are required
1) to add a main() method to test the program; and
2) to add a new method to print the statement for a customer in XML format, e.g., John Smith , Independent Day , etc. Please submit your resulting code
Your solution must at least contain:
1. At least 3 method extraction operations
2. At least 3 creation of 3 new classes
3. At least 3 moving method operations
4. At least 3 renaming operations



to add a main loop


list any five feature of drwing toolbar


Line, arrow, rectangle, ellipse, text, vertical text, curve, stars are all possible answers -hope this helped, have a good night!!


The tools in this part of the Drawing toolbar are:

Select: selects objects. To select multiple objects click on the top leftmost object and while keeping the mouse button pressed, drag the mouse to the bottom rightmost object of the intended selection. A marching ants rectangle identifying the selection area is displayed. It is also possible to select several objects by pressing the Control button while selecting the individual objects.

Line: draws a straight line.

Arrow: draws a straight line ending with an arrowhead. The arrowhead will be placed where you release the mouse button.

Rectangle: draws a rectangle. Press the Shift button to draw a square.

Ellipse: draws an ellipse. Press the Shift button to draw a circle.

Text: creates a text box with text aligned horizontally.

Vertical text: creates a text box with text aligned vertically. This tool is available only when Asian language support has been enabled in Tools > Options > Language Settings > Languages.

Curve: draws a curve. Click the black triangle for more options, shown below. Note that the title of the submenu when undocked is Lines.

What feature did the 32X add to the Sega Genesis?



ngl why would i know this


It allowed the console to run 32-bit cartridges.

1 // Application contains a starting list of three products for sale2 // The user is prompted for additional items3 // After each new entry, the alphabetically sorted list is displayed4 import java.util.*;5 public class DebugNine36 {7 public static void main(String[] args)8 {9 ArrayListproducts = new ArrayList();10 products.add(shampoo);11 products.add(moisturizer);12 products.add(conditioner);13 Collections.sort(products);14 display(products);15 final String QUIT = "quit";16 String entry;17 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);18 System.out.print("\nEnter a product or " + QUIT + " to quit >> ");19 entry = input.nextLine();20 while(entry.equals("quit"))21 {22 products.add(entry);23 Collections.sort(products);24 display()25 System.out.print("\nEnter a product or " + QUIT + " to quit >> ");26 entry = input.nextLine();27 }28 public static void display(ArrayList products)29 {30 System.out.println("\nThe size of the list is " + products.size());31 for(int x = 0; x == products.size(); ++x)32 System.out.println(products.get(x));33 }34 }35//Debugging Exercises, Chapter 9;Java Programming, Joyce Farraell, 8th



Here is the corrected code:

import java.util.*;

public class DebugNine36 {  //class name

  public static void main(String[] args)    {  //start of main method

     ArrayList<String>products = new ArrayList<String>();  //creates an ArrayList of type String names products

     products.add("shampoo");  //add shampoo to product array list

     products.add("moisturizer");  //add moisturizer product array list

     products.add("conditioner");  //add conditioner product array list

     Collections.sort(products);  //sort the elements in products array list

     display(products);  //calls display method by passing products array list

     final String QUIT = "quit";  //declares a variable to quit the program

     String entry;  //declares a variable to hold product/element or quit

     Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);  //creates Scanner object

     System.out.print("\nEnter a product or " + QUIT + " to quit >> ");  //prompts user to enter a product or enter quit to exit

     entry = input.nextLine();  //reads the entry value from user

     while(!entry.equals("quit"))       {  //loops until user enters quit

        products.add(entry);  //adds entry (product) to products array list

        Collections.sort(products);  //sorts the elements in products array list

        display(products);  //calls display method by passing products arraylist

        System.out.print("\nEnter a product or " + QUIT + " to quit >> ");  //keeps prompting user to enter a product or enter quit to exit

        entry = input.nextLine();        }    }  //reads the entry value from user

  public static void display(ArrayList products)    {  // method to display the list of products

     System.out.println("\nThe size of the list is " + products.size());  //displays the size of the array list named products

     for(int x = 0; x < products.size(); ++x)  //iterates through the arraylist products

        System.out.println(products.get(x));    }  } //displays each item/element in products array list


In the code the following statement are corrected:


ArrayListproducts = new ArrayList();

This gave an error: cannot find symbol

This is corrected to :

 ArrayList<String>products = new ArrayList<String>();





Here shampoo moisturizer and conditioner are String type items that are to be added to the products so these strings have to be enclosed in quotation marks.

This is corrected to :






This method is called without giving any arguments to this method. The method display takes an ArrayList as argument so it should be passed the arraylist products to avoid error that actual and formal argument lists differ in length .

This is corrected to :


The screenshot of output is attached.

What type of result does the MATCH function, when used on its own, return?



It returns the lookup value located in a specific location.


what are motherboards





A motherboard is the main printed circuit board in general-purpose computers and other expandable systems. It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system, such as the central processing unit and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals

Choose the terms that best complete the sentence.

For users to be able to communicate with a large number of other people around the world, their
___needs to be connected to a_____
which has
an almost unlimited geographical distance.


WiFi needs to be connected to a router

Answer: For users to be able to communicate with a large number of other people around the world, their LAN needs to be connected to a WAN, which has an almost unlimited geographical distance.

Explanation: Correct on Edg 2020/2021.

The IP address and the port are both numbers. Which statement is true?
A computer has many IP addresses and many ports.
A computer has one IP address and many ports.
A computer has one IP address and one port,
Acomputer has many IP addresses and one port.



A computer has one IP address and many ports.



A computer has one IP address and many ports.



Which of the following occupations would work with oceanographers to better understand the relationship between the ocean and the
1.research meteorologist
2. broadcast meteorologist
3. atmospheric scientist
4. forensic meteorologist



I think the answer would be C. atmospheric scientist

Write the SQL queries that accomplish the following tasks in the HAFH Realty Company Property Management Database:


The complete question is:

Write the SQL queries that accomplish the following tasks in the HAFH Realty Company Property Management Database:

a. Display the SMemberID and SMemberName for all staff members.

b. Display the CCID, CCName, and CCIndustry for all corporate clients.

c. Display the BuildingID, BNoOfFloors, and the manager’s MFName and MLName for all buildings.

d. Display the MFName, MLName, MSalary, MBDate, and number of buildings that the manager manages for all managers with a salary less than $55,000.

e. Display the BuildingID and AptNo, for all apartments leased by the corporate client WindyCT.

f. Display the InsID and InsName for all inspectors whose next inspection is scheduled after 1-JAN-2014. Do not display the same information more than once.

g. Display the SMemberID and SMemberName of staff members cleaning apartments rented by corporate clients whose corporate location is Chicago. Do not display the same information more than once.

h. Display the CCName of the client and the CCName of the client who referred it, for every client referred by a client in the music industry.

i. Display the BuildingID, AptNo, and ANoOfBedrooms for all apartments that are not leased.

Also a schema of the HAFH database is attached.


Using SQL's SELECT, FROM, WHERE syntax, find below the queries for each question.


SELECT SMemberID , SMemberName  

FROM staffmember



FROM corpclient


SELECT b.BuildingID, b.BNoOfFloors, m.MFName, m.MLName

FROM building b, manager m

WHERE b.ManagerID = m.ManagerID


SELECT m.MFName, m.MLName, m.MSalary, m.MBDate, count(*) as buildings

FROM building b, manager m

WHERE m.MSalary<55000

AND b.ManagerID = m.ManagerID

GROUP BY m.ManagerID


SELECT b.BuildingID, a.AptNo

FROM building b, apartment a, corpclient c

WHERE c.CCName = "WindyCT"


AND a.BuildingID = b.BuildingID



FROM inspector i, inspecting x

WHERE i.InsID = x.InsID

AND x.DateNext > "2014-01-01"


SELECT DISTINCT s.SMemberID, s.SMemberName  

FROM staffmember s, cleaning c, apartment a, corpclient cc

WHERE s.SmemberID = c.SmemberID

AND c.AptNo = a.AptNo


AND cc.CCLocation = "Chicago"


SELECT cc1.CCName, cc2.CCName  

FROM corpclient cc1, corpclient cc2

WHERE cc1.CCIDReferencedBy = cc2.CCID  

AND cc2.CCIndustry = "Music"


SELECT a.BuildingID, a.AptNo, a.ANoOfBedrooms

FROM apartment a


Select the action that a database does not perform.

Sort and manipulate the data.

Find the average of four numbers.

Update information in more than one place at the same time.

Create data entry forms.


create data entry forms


the answer is B. find the average of four numbers


ASAP 20 Points please hurry



All you got to do is type System.out printIn("Study English) etc...


Look at the answer to see if it is right.

What is the difference between Information Technology and Communication Technology?​




information tech is technology that teaches you information, and communication tech is tech that lets you talk to family and friends and meet new people.


The main difference between information technology and communication technology is that Information technology is a subject that is use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, or information, often in the context of business or other enterpise whereas a Communication technology is the use of computers to communicate with family and friends.

sa kumbensiyon naihalal si andres bonofacio bilang​



the contemporary Supremo (supreme leader) of the Katipunan

QUESTION : John travels a lot and he needs to access his documents and services on the go. Which of these technologies allows his to access documents and software while on the move?
A.cloud computing
B.grid computing
C.mobile computing
D.green computing



mobile computing


What issues will the Internet of Things present to Cybersecurity?



The IoT offers new ways for businesses to create value, however the constant connectivity and data sharing also creates new opportunities for information to be compromised. Explore some of the more notable developments in the battle to combat cyber risks.


I hope this helps you. UwU. P.S. Plz mark me Brainlyest

What is the most basic way to create a query?


Answer- are Navigation queries and keyword search queries.
Hope this helps:)

The algorithm S(A, n, i) selects all the j-th smallest elements (with j ≤ i) from an array A of n elements, by using linearselect to select each of the j-th smallest elements (with j ≤ i). Clearly, one could also implement S alternatively as T(A, n, i), which first sort A (on average-case and on worstcase, the sorting takes time O(n log n) using mergesort) and then select the first i elements. Please compare the average-case complexities of the two algorithms; i.e., For the average-case complexities, under what conditions (on the choices for i), S is better than T or vice versa



Follows are the solution to this question:


In the linear selected algorithms scans the given field sequentially but instead calculates the fixed amount by crossing the items throughout the list since they are displayed. Take into consideration the various chosen algorithm:

S(A, n, i) Algorithm:

In array B, copy array A items.

To save results, construct an array C of height.

Start Loop j = 0 to i-1.

Determine array B's lowest value.

In array C, also save the minimum value.

Delete from array B the minimum value.

Back the C array.

Analysis of runtime:

In i iterations, the external loop is used, although i have to compute the number of small lots.

This internal loop should run and calculate the minimum variable, whereby n is the input array length at the most values of n.

Its cumulative runtime is equal to O(in)+C =

O(in). All remaining operations are done at a precise rate.

The combine type technique requires that division concept to

sort the sorted array either in or upwards backward order.

Follow the appropriate method using merge type to

select the shortest items of a certain list.

T (A, n, i) algorithm:

In B array, copy array A elements.

To save the output, build a C array of sizes.

Using merge form in an increasing order to sort all items of the B list.

Start the loop j= 0 to i-1.

Save A[j] value in C[j].

Return array C,

return array C.

Analysis of run time:

The combined function requires O (n log n) to arrange a size n list.

Its number of samples in the process to construct the resulting sequence becomes equal to i since i is the minimum number of elements to also be calculated. All remaining transaction is performed in continuous time.

The time to work is O (n log n) + O i + C = O (n log n). The time needed.

The complexities of the following algorithms are similar:

Scenario 1: S is stronger than to the T-algorithm

Consider the number for smallest elements to also be calculated or even the I value is significantly smaller than the number of array elements.  Let i = 2 and  n = 16.

Its algorithm S requires O(in) time for both the calculation of a result, who in this case is equivalent to (2 16).

If algorithm T finds the initiative of O (n log n), who in this case is equivalent to (16 logs 16) = (16 4).

The S method, therefore, operates better than that of the T algorithm, if another I value exceeds the log n value.

Scenario 2: Algorithm T is much more successful that algorithm S

Evaluate if the number of components which must be calculated is smaller or if the value of I is comparable with that of the items inside the array.

Let the I = 12 quality and n = 16 value. Its S method applies O(in) time, and in this, the situation is just like (12 16).

Hence, the algorithm T performs better than the algorithm S when the value of i is greater than the value of the log n.

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